Since we are continuously inundated with news out of the MidEast by those who often don't know a thing about which they speak?
"Operation Swarmer Not Intended As 'Torch II'
Sometimes the press demonstrates such incompetence as to be actually dangerous. The coverage of the latest effort in Samarra in clearing out the terrorists is just the latest example. Operation Swarmer is a significant operation in its scope but mostly for its composition; the Iraqi forces comprise the main battle group of the contingent of 1500 troops and have performed well under the lead of the 101st Airborne.
Since its beginning, however, the press has both hyped the operation and attempted to tear it down as a publicity stunt by the White House. Described as the biggest air assault in three years, the press completely misunderstood this as the biggest air strike since the beginning of the war. As Dafydd ab Hugh reports on his Big Lizards blog, the two are completely different military terms:"
Why not do some reading from those who have been on the sharp end and do know what they are talking about?
About Vets for Freedom
"Vets for Freedom was founded by a group of Iraq and Afghanistan War veterans who believe in the mission of freedom, specifically Operation Iraqi Freedom, but who have become frustrated with the way the operation has been politicized and reported to the home front.
In January 2006, this group of veterans, enlisted personnel, and officers decided to take action. The result was the creation of Vets for Freedom, a non-profit advocacy group whose mission is to promote the unbiased, nonpartisan truth of military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan in order to educate the public and mobilize public support for the Global War on Terror.
The founders and members of Vets for Freedom consist of those who have witnessed the firsthand events, both the successes and failures, of the Iraq War. While their voice has largely been ignored by many policymakers and the media, they have earned the right to be heard and will utilize this organization to lend their insights to this worthy cause.
Read about our Founders here.
Read an open letter from our Executive Director here.
Read the story behind Vets for Freedom here. "