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Thursday, 31 May 2007
A Day Without Gringos
Topic: Immigration

Sometime back I saw a movie on one of the oddball cable channels called.

A Day Without A Mexican

Here are the words of the film makers statement

“How do you make the invisible, visible? You take it away.”

One morning California wakes up to find that one third of its population has disappeared. As the day goes by we discover that the characteristic that links the 14 million disappeared is their Hispanic background. This is the premise of the film A Day Without A Mexican that was released in 2004.

As filmmakers we felt, beginning in 1994 with California’s Prop 187, that the half-truths constantly repeated in immigration discussions needed to be clarified. Using our artistic voice we intended to give form to a strong sentiment of discomfort we perceived in the Latino immigrant community but which up to now had had no clear shape, no loud voice. We believe that immigration reform is the civil rights struggle of our time. It is a struggle that affects all of us with its impact on the economic, social and cultural fabric of our society.

In the spring of 2006, reality has imitated art. Immigration issues have exploded onto the national stage and currently there is a call for a National Boycott on May 1st -- No work, no school, no buying, no selling -- in support of immigration reform in the United States.
All artists dream of changing the world. Our goal is to create work that is relevant to our times. If our work has encouraged social change, that is the ultimate satisfaction. In making this film, our objective was to open the dialogue on the issue of immigration by including factual information and alternative views that would change the terms of the discussion. This in the hope of having the Latino community take its rightful place as an important contributor and player in the history and future of the United States. The film was meant as a fable, a warning to be heeded.

Today, the fable has come to life. As we see reality and our imagination become one, we want to encourage people to participate in the struggle as they are able. We will be documenting the process and the outcome in hopes of furthering the discussion of the contribution made to our society and economy by not just the Latino immigrants but all immigrants. That these contributions increase productivity and raise the standard of living for all of us

I don't know about anyone else but this part popped right out at me,

We believe that immigration reform is the civil rights struggle of our time.

Excuse me, but citizens of other countries enter ours as guests they have no inherent right to come here.

If you disagree with that sentiment, I suppose anyone who wishes to, has an equal right to enter your house and make themselves at home?

I didn't think so.

Anyway I recalled that movie while reading about all the courtesy that little girl from Tennessee received in Mexico recently when she was representing the USA in the Miss Universe Contest. NOT!

Mexicans Boo Miss USA at Pageant

Oh brother. Yeah, that'll wake us up about how wrong we are about the intentions and attitude of the 20 million-plus illegal Mexicans in our nation. Or, it could simply highlight the contempt Mexicans hold for this country. You see, the more someone allows you to take advantage of them, the less you respect them.

This year's contest was marked by controversy, with a handful of Mexicans booing Smith in the run-up to the finals because of what they saw as U.S. unfriendliness toward illegal immigrants...This was the fourth time the pageant was held in Mexico...

Rachel Smith, our entrant and a Tennessee girl

Despite the characterization that there was a 'handful' of Mexicans who boo'd, it was thunderous. How dare they, with all this nation has done, and now because they want a free pass to ravage this nation further and we resists, they boo this young woman.

Hey if you don't believe me or the author of the website I took the above from, Tammy,

Check it out for yourself.

Anyway, like I said I recalled that Movie and I thought how about a "Day Without Gringos"?

I don't mean we disappear, some of them might like that. They keep screaming at rallies about how we should all go back to Europe because they are the ones who have a right to this continent, not us.

I have news for them, some of my ancestors walked here quite a few thousand years ago and I am not going anywhere.

The truth is what they really like is Gringo Dollars so for "A Day Without Gringos", start looking at labels.

If it was made in Mexico put it back but note the price and from time to time, mail or email the Mexican Embassy how much you did not spend on their products and how much you spent on the same thing from another country.

Come to think about it forget that "Day Without Gringos" make it a way of life.

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Trackposted to Pet's Garden Blog, Perri Nelson's Website, stikNstein... has no mercy, Pirate's Cove, The Pink Flamingo, The Amboy Times, Leaning Straight Up, Conservative Cat, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

**This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email stiknstein-at-gmail-dot-com and let us know at what level you would like to participate.

Update: Welcome to every one coming here from
Blue Collar Muse

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Check out the videos


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 9:16 AM CDT
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Updated: Saturday, 2 June 2007 11:19 PM CDT

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