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Thursday, 23 November 2006
Nation of Aztlan They Say They Are In A Civil War
Topic: Immigration

the fuse is lit!

My Video

They also say, we should support affirmative action because some day we will need it. I think that is something like what one of the Swedish ministers said about the rise in Crime among the Muslim immigrant population. That native Swedes should be tolerant, because some day they would need the Muslims to tolerate them, when they had become a minority in their own land.

In 1846 as we all know the US went to War with Mexico and we ended up with the Southwest. What you may not know is that in 1846 the Dineh,(Navajo) the REAL inhabitants of that region also kicked Mexicos Chicano Civilizer tails back south of the Rio Grande.

Nope they do NOT belong or own the North.

My own ancestors also stood their ground. Cortez with 140? Conquistadores conquered the Aztecs. Pizzaro with 400 Conquistadores conquered the Incans.

DeSoto with 600 Conquistadores entered the Cherokee homeland and--

We kicked their tales back to the Gulf of Mexico.

Maybe something like that needs done again.

It irks to think our tax dollars pay the salary of that professor ranting about the overthrow of the United States of America and the creation of the Nation of Aztlan.

Hey if any reading this ever has their driver's license revoked and gets caught driving anyway?

Just tell the Judge you were not driving Illegally, but that you are just an undocumented driver.

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Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 12:01 AM CST
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Updated: Saturday, 2 June 2007 11:05 PM CDT

Thursday, 23 November 2006 - 8:55 PM CST

Name: The Troll

Great Post I loved it

Happy Thanks Giving Dan...

Thursday, 21 December 2006 - 8:23 PM CST

Name: Bigfoot

Looks like this post is a month old, but I still gotta say something. I would love to see a bumper sticker or T-shirt saying something like:

"Undocumented"? Some bureaucrat messed up your paperwork?

The borders jumped YOU? You mean you were here in 1848?

Don't like being called "illegal"? Then OBEY our law.

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