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Wednesday, 31 August 2005
The Hot SAUCE Crisis
A Post on Baen's Bar There Might Be A Tabasco Shortage by Tim Covington AKA De Opresso Liber Against the Enemies of Freedom
(Note you may have to register, to get in but it is free and has great discussion groups)

Brought up a possible effect of Hurricane Katrina that had not even occurred to me.

This comes from my wife:
My mom had a wild idea the other night, that now doesn't seem so wild.
I haven't heard anything out of Avery Island, Louisiana. Not familiar
with Avery Island? It's the home of the One And Only McIlhenny's
Tabasco Sauce.
Check out this map. Zoom it out a few times, and look at its surroundings.
Their website is but I haven't been able to hit it.
How much do you think the price on a bottle of Tabasco is going to go up?


Now folks you can walk to work and shop, you can ride a bicycle, but without the Spice of Life
bland food is just that, BLAND.

If need be the back country barbecues in Flyover, Jesusland might have to step in and help stem the hot sauce shortage.

Now where I come from in Western Kentucky Barbecue is listed in the Yellow Pages as just that Barbecue, not under Restaurants or any other heading but Barbecue.

The best pits don't even bother to advertise, and EVERY little hole in the wall Barbecue Pit has it OWN Hot Sauce recipe, usually made and curing in gal glass jugs.

Oh they do have 8 oz bottles with all the proper labels and things but that's for tourists, locals buy it in clear plastic fifth bottles the same ones whiskey comes in, no label, they just fill them up from a jug slap a top on and you pay and go. LOL

That stuff has a kick it has the same consistency as Tabasco sauce, NOT the thick gooey sweet barbecue sauce you find in grocery stores.

I am certain that the hinterlands of Jacksonian America can step into the breach if need be and stem any Hot Sauce Shortage.


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 7:02 PM CDT
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Updated: Wednesday, 31 August 2005 7:09 PM CDT

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