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Saturday, 13 August 2005
One If By Land
Two If By Sea

I want to thank everyone who has linked to me the last few weeks, it was a long climb up from Insignificant Microbe to Flippery Fish and I DO appreciate the help.

But today I want to ask for a favor for a blog that most would not think needs ecosystem help.

Winds of Change has always been one of my favorites and I just can not stand to see it a mere 15 links behind The Huffington Post.

So if you are linked to me or have just stumbled onto this site by accident, Please give them a look over if you have never been there and link them to your blog.

It might seem presumptuous for me trying to round up links for the 26th ranked blog in the blogsphere, but
as Kosovo's president, Ibrahim Rugov said to America when he gave his condolences and support after the Fall of the World Trade Tower:

"We are small, but even small friends can be important."

I call my blog The Committees of Correspondence, because I DO think of the Blogs as the 21st Century Committees of Correspondence.

So ride forth with the message and come to the Aid of one of the Premier Committees, Winds of Change.


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 8:15 AM CDT
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Updated: Saturday, 13 August 2005 8:18 AM CDT

Saturday, 13 August 2005 - 12:01 PM CDT

Name: Joe Katzman
Home Page:

Many thanks!

And for an explanation of WHY small friends are important in the blogosphere, Google the term: "The Long Tail" some time...

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