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Good News
Monday, 6 February 2012
Cute but THE TRUTH! Tamara Lowe -Fastest Sermon
Mood:  sharp
Now Playing: Nabbed this from a Twitter Aquaintance's Site!
Topic: Anointed Music Videos!

Posted by indie/hanaisonmusic at 8:25 PM EST
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At His Cross
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Personal Poetry!
Topic: Poetry
At His Cross!

I died that day nearly 2000 yrs ago
When the perfect one was nailed for me
He took every foolish thing I did
And provided strength for me
to weather the Storms caused by my sin
Showing His will, to begin again

Now I come to The Cross again
Asking strength to carry my own
Here I come to His Cross again
Where He reminds me the battle is won
Here I look upon His Cross again
Where my Lord died for my sin
Only to triumphantly rise again
Victorious over death and sin
Now From Heaven Pouring out
His Spirit upon us all

Rugged timber roughly hewn
A Blood stained testament
Of his love for me
At the foot of His cross
My eyes have seen
His everlasting Love for me
Pointing upward to His throne
Where one day I will bow my knee
To the King of all Eternity
His matchless beauty I will see
There I will joyfully cast my crown!

©2007 Timothy Jon Terry

Posted by indie/hanaisonmusic at 1:33 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 6 February 2012 1:38 PM EST
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Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Personal Poetry
Topic: Poetry

Maybe Just maybe,
I'm seeing something...
that's just not there,
Upon truth's realization,
It wouldn't seem fair,

Neither fairer, would it seem
than to miss something good
That I just did not see!
and the desires of my heart
would possibly never be....

so for now it's my prayer
to have the eyes to see
the truth of the matter
not what I want it to be

as I walk in His truth
and ever learning
to delight in His Ways
through pathways long and winding,
through the rugged terrain

I will see what is needed
and know what is required
with a cloud shading the sunlight
and my night lit by fire,
I will get there..........

©2011 Timothy Jon Terry
3:47 pm Maui Hawaii
Psalms 37:4 Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

Posted by indie/hanaisonmusic at 1:31 PM EST
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Sunday, 5 February 2012
in awe
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Personal Poetry!
Topic: Just Life!
in awe

It's been a long tough haul,
& most would have given up,
Lord You lifted me, restored me
in my times of dryness,
You have filled my cup,

In the newness of the moment
I am standing here in awe
Your everlasting kindness,
yes your precious mercy
in the wonder of it all,

for I did not earn Your blessing,
and nothing good
that anyman could see,
You looked upon this little one,
bound by his humanity,

You heard my cries of despiration
Your arms there, open wide
tattered rags for robes spotless white
Your grasp from the depths, lifting me                                    
breakthrough was not denied

In the newness of the moment
I am standing here in awe
Your everlasting kindness,
yes your precious mercy
in the wonder of it all,

11:58 Copyright 2012
By: Timothy Jon Terry

Posted by indie/hanaisonmusic at 8:37 PM EST
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Mood:  sharp
Now Playing: Ludwig van Beethoven
Topic: Wise Christian Quotes!
I must live by myself alone; but I know well that God is nearer to me than others in my art, so I will walk fearlessly with Him.”- Ludwig van Beethoven

Posted by indie/hanaisonmusic at 8:03 PM EST
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Feb. 1st. 2012
Now Playing: Meanderings...In praise of God's gift of pets.
Topic: Just Life!

I normally should be asleep, as it has been a long day, but I realized I needed to make a Safeway run for some Almond milk and bread etc. Well You always end up buying more than what You went for but if You shop well it's worth it.

Today has been a reflective one for went well, and I picked up a couple of frames for later use...but since I paint therefore I frame :D When I came home for lunch Buster was laying there waiting on me..Sharp dog, he keeps better time than a watch does. :) Well there he was not wanting for the yard, but laying there just wanting me to rub him down. I must say I have learned so much about life and myself, from parenting him over the last 4.5 years since the day I first saw him . 

I was on the heels of a divorce and burned out from doing social work related abuse and neglect work. Hinging on depression and whittled down to near nothing in many ways... I was getting out of it to do something else as a sanity saver and was working out my notice. There was Buster at a day home, I was to pick a child up at...I commented on how handsome a puppy he was, and the owner hinted at getting rid of him. I gave her my card and said ( not believing she would) if she decided to part with him to call me.. She did the next day...Buster his leashes, collar, bowls, and wading pool which I could not fit in my car....

Buster had another name, which I felt did not I named him Buster. I got the name from the movie "A River Runs THrough It". One of my favorites..a crusty gal by the name of "Old Rawhide" said to Brad Pitt and his Brother "Buster here wants to fish" talking of her there You have it....I did not realize I was being Prophetic at the time, but if I ever got anything right it was naming him Buster, for a Buster he has been! :))

 I just loved him from the start, even when he would snatch the brahs and panties of the fellow lady tenants' off the clothes line and play with them...even when he would dig three foot deep holes in the yard with the Landlord scolding him, and even when he chewed up my cell phone and a pair of glasses. I was just glad he did not get hurt.

Now here years later I can still look at him with a glint of that puppy in his face, and slightly slower than at a year, but a little more settled than before...still the best watchdog, yet not as reactive to the passersby as when he was a pup. He's solid and healthy, and as I have said before his dedication to me demands of my dedication to him...

I have seen unconditional love in Buster, and I have been thankful that God has blessed me with him. I always said if I were to get serious and settle down again that Buster and I are a package deal! :))) No lie!

So my little blog posting today is just some meanderings about my dog, my best friend! 

Tonight when I came home from Safeway there I saw the dim light glinting off his eyes as I laid down his bedding for him, realizing how thankful I am for this responsibility..and he was just wanting me to rub him down...

I am thankful for a lot of things, and who am I to complain? It all could have been worse, but it has been very good! God has been very good to me, and has helped me make a lot of since of things I once questioned. So thanks for dropping by and letting me share, I hope You drop by again...or drop me an email! 

Blessings, In Him, Tim




Posted by indie/hanaisonmusic at 3:42 PM EST
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Monday, 30 January 2012
Aloha From Maui!
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Me and Buster "The Wonder Dog!"
Topic: Aloha From Maui!

Posted by indie/hanaisonmusic at 11:47 PM EST
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Mood:  sharp
Now Playing: Pastor Mark Gungor
Topic: Wise Christian Quotes!
Unforgiveness is like taking poison hoping the other guy will die! - Mark Gungor

Posted by indie/hanaisonmusic at 2:33 AM EST
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Now Playing: Pastor Mark Gungor
Topic: Anointed Ministry!

This is an excellent teaching about forgiveness, Spirit filled, insightful! I am so blessed though now single to have happened upon this! I pray You will be blessed also! In Him, Brother Tim



Posted by indie/hanaisonmusic at 2:29 AM EST
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A Tale of Two Brains! :)))
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Marriage expert Mark Gungor explores the differences between men and women.
Topic: Insight!
 In this entertaining film, marriage expert Mark Gungor explores the differences between men and women.

Posted by indie/hanaisonmusic at 2:04 AM EST
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