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Good News
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
Facts About Moses!
Mood:  surprised
Now Playing: God will take care of Your Needs!
Topic: Biblical Archaeology

Amazing Data on Moses


Moses and the people were in the desert,

but what was he going to do with them?

They had to be fed,

and feeding 2 or 3 million people

requires a lot of food.


According to the Quartermaster General

in the Army, it is reported

that Moses would have to have had

1500 tons of food each day.

Do you know that to bring

that much food each day,

two freight trains, each at least a mile long, would be required!

Besides you must remember,

they were out in the desert,

so they would have to have firewood

to use in cooking the food.

This would take 4000 tons of wood

and a few more freight trains,

each a mile long, just for one day.


And just think,

they were forty years in transit.

And Oh yes! They would have to have water.

If they only had enough to drink

and wash a few dishes,

it would take 11,000,000 gallons each day

and a freight train with tank cars,

1800 miles long, just to bring water!

And then another thing!

They had to get across the Red Sea at night.

Now, if they went on a narrow path,

double file, the line would be 800 miles long

and would require 35 days and nights

to get through. So there had to be a space in the Red Sea,

3 miles wide so that they could walk

5000 abreast to get over in one night.


But then, there is another problem...

each time they camped at the end of the day,

a campground two-thirds the size

of the state of Rhode Island was required,

or a total of 750 square miles long.

Think of it! This much space for camping.


Do you think Moses figured all this out

before he left Egypt?  I think not!

You see, Moses believed in God.

God took care of these things for him.

Now do you think God

has any problem

taking care of all your needs?

Our God is an Awesome God!!!

So when the road

you're traveling on

seems difficult at best,

just remember,

keep on praying,

and God will do the rest.


A mahalos for My Hanai Dad for sending me this in an email today! Love You Dad!

Posted by indie/hanaisonmusic at 1:56 AM EST
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Monday, 20 February 2012
A Song of Hope!
Now Playing: If I know You-By Out of The Grey!
"If I Know You"
by Out Of The Grey
from the 1994 Album Diamond Days.

She counts the hours as she recounts her tears
This day in life feels like a thousand years
But in the changing light of time a doorway forms in her mind
She smiles and sings the song that pulls her through

Chorus (2x):
If I know You, You will turn this day into a perfect surprise
If I know You like I think I do the worst of times will work out right

So many hours spent fearing the hours ahead
I would do better to remember You
For in the changing light of day You always seem to paint the way
In softer hues and brush away my blues


If I know You, You will turn this day into a perfect surprise
If I know You like I know I do the worst of times will work out right
Lord, I know there's hope in sight
You will get me through if I know You

Posted by indie/hanaisonmusic at 4:17 PM EST
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Do You feel like you are teetering at times....
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Steady Me By Out of The Grey!
Topic: Anointed Music Videos!

Posted by indie/hanaisonmusic at 4:15 PM EST
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There is Hope!
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: He is Hope!
Topic: Inspirational Graphics...

This was a T-Shirt Design originally for a church group I attended Years ago..I still share this in Poster from here on my blog! Blessings In Him, Brother Tim

direct link to this pic in a larger size is here:

other pages full of Christian Downloads for no charge and free for personal use are:

My Main artsite is:

Posted by indie/hanaisonmusic at 1:46 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 20 February 2012 1:55 PM EST
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Friday, 17 February 2012
Girl Scout Cookies Song!
Now Playing: Tim Hawkins
Topic: On The Lighter Side!

Posted by indie/hanaisonmusic at 2:27 AM EST
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Wednesday, 15 February 2012
Our Walls....
Mood:  quizzical
Now Playing: Thanks to Brother Godwin for this one....
Topic: Wise Christian Quotes!

I woke up early this morning and was going back to sleep but a lot of things running through my head...namely a Rick Godwin tweet..which I thought was non pertainent, yet even trite...but that is how a "WORD" sent out will hit You at a flying mallet or a velvet covered brick (My Favorite)

The Quote:

Sometimes you put walls up "not "to keep people out, but to see who cares enough to break them down!- Rick Godwin

So here I read it and re-read it...seemingly not for me..but I'm tired trying to get another hours worth of rest.... and realizing this was me, and is me! Have my own walls been ever taken down...have they been just to see, or just to keep others out? Maybe a little of both!

We all have walls, and most of them have been built with the bricks of hurt and disappointment, to protect us...they are veneered with the graffiti of life, or facades of toughness or the dangerous ones of faux lowliness...sometimes they are even camoflaged with the Word of God.. Yes the people that can quote a verse on every occasion...nice folk, brethren, yet do You know them, can You get past that wall, that barrage of Scripture and ritual to a level of transparency and know them? 

This seemingly simple statement by Rick speaks much....I think it is key to where real relationships of depth are formed..the soul ties in a positive sense..yet it means vulnerability (therefore the protective walls).

I really do not have a distinct summation to this post except that I know there will be some  who will read this and it will make them reflect.

Yet My walls are up just like everyone else, excepting I have always tried to keep a nice picture window that is clear to see in... hoping maybe  there will be that one who will see in, see the potential and throw the brick....

I know of one like that with me...I see the toughness, the sharp wit, the sarcasms, all are truthful, yet truthfully saying I am waiting for someone to "throw the brick", I want to be known, and loved for who I am inside not just a nice outer wrapping....

I thank God that He is with me in all I do. Just as a point of clarity, I am not talking of this relationship I have with the Lord in regards to the quote...I am talking of life and relationships in the here and now, with those around us..My relationship with Christ is what keeps me together and He gives me the strength and tools to discern the walls in my life and others...

So My Prayer is You and I encounter those bricks or wrecking balls from the right ones, to open us up and to grow...

Well now having writing what I need to, I still can grab an hour of sleep before my breakfast and power walk with Buster the wonder dog!  Have a blessed day,

In Him, Brother Tim

P.S. I think is Tom Petty is close to the mark...


Posted by indie/hanaisonmusic at 10:39 AM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 15 February 2012 1:05 PM EST
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Tuesday, 14 February 2012
Wait and See!
Mood:  sharp
Now Playing: Brandon Heath
Topic: Anointed Music Videos!
 Wait And See lyrics

I was born in Tennessee, late July humidity,
Doctors said I was lucky to be alive
I've been troubled since the day that I got here,
Troubled to the day I disappear
That'll be the day that I finally get it right

There is hope, for me yet,
Because God won't forget,
All the plans HE's made for me
I have to wait and see,
HE's not finished with me yet,
HE's not finished with me yet

I never really was that good in school;
Talked too much, broke the rules
My teachers thought I was a hopeless fool, all right.
I don't know how but I made it through,
It's one of those things you gotta do
I always had a knack for telling the truth.

There is hope, for me yet,
Because God won't forget,
All the plans HE's made for me
I have to wait and see,
HE's not finished with me yet,
HE's not finished with me yet

Still wonderin' why I'm here.
Still wrestling with my fear
But oh... HE's up to something,
And the farther out I go,
I've seen enough to know
That I'm not here for nothin'...
He's up to somethin'.

So now's my time to be a man,
Follow my heart as far as I can
No tellin' where I'm ending up tonight
I never slow down (or so it seems),
But singing my heart is one of my dreams
All I gotta do is hold on tight.

There is hope, for me yet,
Because God won't forget,
All the plans HE's made for me
I have to wait and see,
HE's not finished with me yet,
HE's not finished with me yet
HE's not finished with me yet,
HE's not finished with me yet

GOD, teach me to trust You
Teach me to follow You
Teach me about You
GOD, bless us
GOD, lead us

Posted by indie/hanaisonmusic at 12:35 PM EST
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Monday, 13 February 2012
Ghost On The Canvas
Now Playing: By: Glen Campbell
Topic: Secular Songs That Speak!
 This is a Valentines Greeting to all that have found a love, and for those like me that have not found yet, may it become a reality for You...May God grant Your hearts desrie in this matter! Aloha! Brother Tim
Ghost On The Canvas By Paul Westerberg
Performed By Glen Campbell

I know a place between life and death for you and me
Best take hold on the threshold of eternity
And see the ghost on the canvas
People don't see us!
Ghost on the canvas,
People don't know
When they're looking at soul!

In between here and there, there is a place that we can grow
The spirits make love in the wheat field with crows
Like a ghost on the canvas
People don't see them!
Ghost on the canvas
No, they never see soul!

Ring around the rosary
Pocket full of prose you read

Ashes to ashes we all fall in love
With the ghost on the canvas

We dream in color,
Others they color their dreams
It takes one to know one
The spirit always knows what it sees

Like the ghost on the canvas
Never can have us
The ghost on the canvas,
It’s the soul, it makes them go
People don’t know
When they're looking at soul!
To the ghost on the canvas

I'm a ghost on the canvas

Lyrics and Music By Paul Westerberg! 


Posted by indie/hanaisonmusic at 5:51 PM EST
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Wednesday, 8 February 2012
Friend of God!
Mood:  on fire
Now Playing: Israel and The New Breed!
Topic: Anointed Music Videos!

Posted by indie/hanaisonmusic at 12:42 PM EST
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Tuesday, 7 February 2012
This day....
Mood:  quizzical
Now Playing: Living...
Topic: Just Life!

I figured other than my regular postings to drop a note on a personal level...As I ready for bed I am very thankful to God for blessing me so much. I had enecountered problems with getting a call through to my convalescing Mother in the early morning, and in the mean time My Sister whom I had not talked to for a while called...we had a good chat.


Sis is ten years older than I am and has been an extra Mom to me...we talked of family and her grandkids, it was very informative...Sis was the main one who always told me I was smart, sharp and intuitive...she is a multi-talented lady who understands her Brother more than anyone else in the family I think..I learned to create by watching her paint as a child, and was a model for her in her art. My first modeling job! :)))  The pay was good...BurgerChef and going to see The Sound of Music. South Pacific, Oklahoma...


So after the call I was able to get through to my Mom and chat...I call her daily...I chat with her, but mainly listen, and give ear to her...and we pray, it means alot to her, and I know God hears us!


It was Mom who has been the example of a Godly Woman, and how we as five kids, Mom have us read Uncle Arthur Stories at the Kitchen table...those stories were stories that were true of the miraculous ways God answered prayers for people...especially Children! Those stories even seemed far fetched until I took God at His Word many years later and started seriously walking with Him....there are memories of instances of things we endured as a family that I would not take a fortune for because those were times where God used Mom as an example to us, and I am eternally thankful!.

When Dad died I was about 9 and Mom went back to school and got her Nursing that time there was only My Younger Brother and I, and I stepped it up as a big brother should. My Sis and Oldest Brother were off to war, and older Brother off to college. In light of being fatherless, we still had fun as we as a family, did paper routes and traveled..and lived well! Every Sunday am & pm in church and Wednesday for Prayer meetings....


So, referring back to the call with my Sister, she touched on something and it struck a chord with me as we chatted. We had discussed me being single :)) which has been the longest stretch of me being that way since I was a much younger man....and I spoke about what I would like in that area...and how I felt I was more clear about making right choices, I think what struck me was talking of being multi-faceted (My paraphrased term) and it led me to later think I have been praying was all about completeness which I realized needed to be for me..and vice versa.


So those that do visit these pages and read my postings, just know this is not the norm. I welcome Your prayers for me in this matter. I enjoyed the last few years being single for sure, and God only knows it may be quite a few more or even for good. But once again I seek some clarity from Him in this area and where to go from here in general...first and foremost to know Him more! I am tired and instead of risking my posting as something rambling I will close out for the night! Blessings! 

Mahalos In Christ,

Brother Timothy

Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.


Posted by indie/hanaisonmusic at 3:34 AM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 8 February 2012 3:14 AM EST
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