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The Palm Tree

THese are a few of my writings that I have posted on this page:

Notice: all of the following pieces are Copyrighted (1999) by the author, Jason Wadsworth, so please do not plagiarize my works. It is naughty and illegal. You may however distribute my works freely as long as you do not charge me or the consumer any fees.


Flying Soul

My Guardians, Friends, and Comforters

Frozen Darkness


The Exemplification of America

Education to me...

My confirmation paper

A Narrative essay of myself

My Third Visualization Journey

It's our future



A Letter from my soul

Lost in a Blur of Realities Part 1

Lost in a Blur of Realities Part 2

Hang Tight!

Fate Hates me

Who is me - Volume 1

A Love Story
(added January, 1999)

A True Virtual Birthday Greetings story...
(added February 1, 1999)

(added February 2,1999)


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