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    Hang Tight!

     I gently lean against and close my bedroom doom. Staring down at our brown wooden floors in a daze of overwhelming
grief... Tears begin to leak out of me, my ego holding them back like they were it's last possessions on earth.
     I look sadly upon my unmade bed and know my fate. Slowly I drift towards it and collapse onto it as if I had no
strength within me. Though I make little a sound, as my ego demands, I am pouring out tears of sadness all over my face
and pillow.
    Being ridiculed or ignored by my once faithful friends and being deserted for what knowledge that has been brought
to me so roughly. This place seems so lonely and cold now... Why has God placed me here now? Something tells me that it is
because I am special; he chose me for this path, but I am so choked with grief and tears of isolation that I chose to
ignore this voice.
     In desperation, I ask a prayer to God that he be with me as the storm rages within; my shadow darkening by the minute.
I feel no comfort, joy, or warmth; I begin to cry once more... throughout the night...

     And as I hovered above myself, I could see the grief and anguish that I was suffering from. I felt the need for joy...
Rising high above the earth in an essence of colors, I was carried away to peacefully orbit the sun in the form of a
pink, Frozen Moon. The Dolphin within my sphere stirs... It knows where I am and what I am to do. Gently clicking to me,
it beckons me to go on, and to not be afraid of what I'm about to do. I am now orbiting in perfect harmony with the
solar system. I begin to observe the information that is being transferred back and forth across the earth. I
establish a link to this subconscious network of light and thought, and I inform it of my physical isolation and
conscious condition. The Earth tells me that there are a several thousands that are now in the exact same condition as I.
It tells me to be proud and to let my rainbow of youth and vigor to shine, for God himself has gifted me, but I don't yet realize it. The
Earth tells me of this divine gift that God has bestowed upon me, but I am forbidden to reveal this to myself; the time
will come when it is ready. Rotating on my access now, I relay back to the network of light that my physical body
needs mending, that it has been overwhelmed at the task placed before it. There is a sudden activity and I feel
myself crackling with spiritual energy; I must go... now. As I begin to drop orbital speed, I promise to the world that I
will be back sometime soon to inform it on this gifted one's progress. The ice upon me begins to melt and I am rainbow in
essence once again... Gliding swiftly on the spiritual plane of which I am, I return to my stirring body. Coming into my
bedroom, I begin to shower my being to shower my being in all of my cascading colors of crystalline light and love; life
giving tears of love I bring forth. I whisper to myself "Though you know it not, you are indeed a special being, dear
one... Continue to grow and we shall soon live intimately together to explore God's creation and all there is to see. I
am your eternal and everlasting friend, and we are all helping you... Show sadness no more and feel our love for
you..." Now fully enveloped into my body, I stir with final happiness and dream the night away...
     Another dawn, another night. Life continues in it's infinite cycle. Today I will be a part of this spiritual
network. My light is everly growing and vigilant. I am never alone...