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The Mind's Palette

    I have come forward to observe that we operate and think within the boundaries of two completely different aspects. The first and more important aspect, would be the method of thinking in two or three dimensions. The second aspect is the concept of colors. From this observation, I have also found that this two or three dimensional view of thoughts gives us the organization that we need in order to live out and carry on our daily lives; but what gives us the main instinct towards creativity is colors. Now that I think of Billy Joel's sond "Shades of Gray", I remember him speaking of war. With this in mind, I've come to yet another observation that there are some out there, usually a band of organized and armed forces, who would rather wash the color away from their subjects mind, and leave only the second or third dimensional thought to rule their train of thought; a stretched form of brainwashing. Why do I speculate such an intimate topic that plays with your minds? The answer only falls back to my subject.

Light waves existing and frequenting at different amplitudes on multiple planes and areas is the all that color naturally is. So why is it that we (well, most of us) are controlled by them? My good teacher or mentor would tell me that it is brain chemestry at it's best; he's right. The normal human brain is soo far ahead of the known sciences that it would probably take another two or three millenium before we are able to fully grasp it's functionality and to build a human of our own; but is this moral? I would expand on this, but for now I will simply state that this is too far beyond my topic scope. Sometimes when we are tired of the organizations and rules of life, we will temporarily let go of this two/three dimensional way of thinking and let our minds wonder and mingle about; we call this day-dreaming. In fact, the spur that caused me to write what you are reading was sourced from such a dream that I had.

Ok, let's get closer to the actual colors of our minds. I'd like to mention that, I'm asuming that the colors that we usually feel are those that were once experience during our childhood days - anywhere from ages 1 to 6. This is the way that it has been with me. But I'd rather expand on this next belief. I believe that the more lively or energetic a person is, the brighter are his/her colors. I for instance, am sometimes warmed by the intensity of these colors; a soul afire. Seriously, if I'm cold and I get caught in one of my vivid daydreams, I'l feel warm all over until it goes away. Of all the colors that I experience, the ones that are most common and intense are blue, green, orange, yellow, and red. In my daydreams, these colors, for some psychological reason, stick out the most in my dreams. If you think that is wierd, let me tell you about my common dreams. One is where I'm placed in the middle of some thorny brush, in the middle of summer, maybe two hours after noon, with much haze and slight heat. The primary colors in this scene are green and yellow. Another would be where I'm atop a large cliff, on which I stand gazing out at the ocean. Sometimes I'll set and let my feet dangle over the 80 foot (45 meter) cliff. Sometimes I'll feel extremely inspired and I'll take a running leap and just soar downward to eventually rise and fly 10 feet (7 meters) above the waves, propelling myself at speeds around 100 MPH (140 KPH) with only my mind and my arms to tilt. Blue is the dominant picture here; primarily a turqoise horizon blue. These and a whole list of other day dreams that I have had all have one thing in common: one or two colors nearly dominating the scene.

What could we do without the phenomenom of colors? I have not a clue. Maybe we would all be shades of gray, like Billy's song. The purpose of this writing is to show you how we are driven and possibly how we are controlled.