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    I absolutely love these playful little fellows. Ever since I discovered the Dolphin's intellegence, I was completely fascinated by them. I had before seen their natural "smile" and was intrigued at the appearence. When I found that they were extremely intellegent, my love for them grew even greater. This was during my first, and since, only trip to SeaWorld, in Cleveland. I saw that smile, their little dark eyes, and I was thinking "They're smart too?..." This led me to an endless study of these marvelous creatures. In the early Fall of 1996, I read a book, "The Dolphins of Pern," by Ann MacAffrey, and this book put me in a state where I acutally considered the training of or study of Dolphins as a lifetime career. As you probably know, I am obsessed with computers. Until this point, I knew in my heart that I would grow up to be a programmer expert. The choices clashed, and for several months, I grieved in the pain of life-affecting decisions. I finally pulled myself together after about two months and figured that I would be better off as a programmer, since I had at least some experience. The nearest aquariam from where I live is in Indianapolis; volunteer work was out of the question. I decided I would do as best I could with computers, and at the same time, learn every single speck of information that I could gather about Dolphins, interpret, perceive, and memorize it. In fact, I made a verbal vow to do so, and so far, I've eagerly kept it.

    Why do I love dolphins? Tell me this: are they playful? are they intellegent? are they graceful? do they have personalities that are in ways similiar to ours? I believe that it's all true. (Truthfully, the natural "smile" is the cherry on top for me!) If you were to step into my room someday, you would find that a large portion of my posters contain Dolphins in different backgrounds. I have also begun to collect a few books on these fellows.

    Dolphins are also one of the few animals that scientifically interest me; the cababilities of natural sonar is rare among any species. I am extremely interested in the study of a possible communication between these mammals. I have learned though that from recent studies, the chances of them having such a massive vocabulary as ours are rather slim, although we have learned a few facts about how they communicate to one another.

    What do you think about a Dolphin's intellegence? Drop me a note! Maybe I'll post it!