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A love story…

By Jason Wadsworth

Copyright© 1999

The young man walked home in silence, his thoughts remaining his own. He knew he had been sulking for the past few hours, but he really didn’t care. Besides, the gray weather didn’t seem to help things much. "Why is it that everyone else around me seems so happy with their partners? Could it be that I’m just too stupid to fall in love?! Maybe I’m just different… Hell I don’t know!" He was beginning to feel a little bit sick at his stomach, the thoughts churning around inside his head poisoning his body. He had never known love in his life.

His parents were almost always quiet and very self-reliant. His family did not do much together, although he knew that they loved him. Often times, however, it was hard for him to feel that genuine love, The young man had little friends, and he was silently grateful for the friends that he did have. Still, something inside of him said, "this just can’t real love."

Over a length of time, the young man, to his personal dismay, found himself yearning for love. He slowly and cautiously began to date other girls around his age. After several breakups, and many let downs, the man became frustrated. "What is love," he would demand. No answer would come. He had turned to his Bible, his preacher, his close friends, and one night he even had the courage to approach his parents about it. Yet nobody could answer him. He had dated several pretty ladies, and they were all very nice, but he did not feel what he thought to be a love for them.. Or perhaps just a true love.

One night after being frustrated for several weeks, he prayed that God would show him what sincere love would be like. And as he climbed into his bed, he noticed a moth that fluttered by his ear and landed serenely on his bedpost. He thought it queer that the moth simply sat there, but he paid no attention to it, and rolled over in his bed. He let his thoughts slowly drift away as he fell into deep sleep. And the young man dreamed…. His breaths were slow and steady. His body was at rest. Meanwhile, the moth sat poised on his headboard with a feeling of bewilderment. Nonetheless, the moth blinked it’s eyes shut and also began to rest itself.

While dreaming, the boy suddenly became aware of something very powerful nearby him. It was strong enough to wake him up to where he was still asleep, yet halfway conscious of his surroundings. His sleepy thoughts were wondering what had happened, when suddenly he was pulled back down into dreamland by this same awesome power. The power that he felt he could not explain – although he knew that he had felt it from somewhere before… once long long ago.. He had no control over it, and it totally possessed him; what confused him even more was that he was somehow conscious of what was going on – he knew that he was in a dream. He was flying… somewhere.. he knew not where. When suddenly he stopped in a very bright pink cloud of something. His initial thought, "What the hell?" was almost instantly disintegrated by the most powerful feelings of rapture he had ever known. It was not a euphoric wave, but a full presence! He began to cry with emotion, and the haze of electricity began to gradually decrease, to his appreciation. And through his vision he noticed a large bright cloud near before him that stood as tall as he did. He suddenly began to answer questions that he had never been asked of before. However shortly afterwards, he stopped in realization of what he was doing. The young man became very confused.

The lighted essence then began to near to him, and he felt an almost uncontrollable desire to run to it and grasp it with all of his might, but yet he stayed in his place, not really knowing why. He heard no words spoken to him… yet feelings.. Somehow he understood perfectly, and yet, he could make no sense of it whatsoever. He felt something touch his wrist as the light from this… "being" came right up against his body. It was not a hand, and it was not solid… but something… something he could not define with words. He began to feel as if he were ablaze with fire, yet he was not being consumed, nor did his body became hot. He felt the being drawing nearer to him, the bright luminance of this flowing being beginning to encompass the two of them. He then felt something similar to what was on his wrist flow gently around his side and slowly caress his back. The erotic sensuality of the moment was nothing like he had ever known before, and he felt even more of this beings presence. He closed his eyes, completely surrendering to this beautiful, seductive being, and he knew that she was about to place her lips upon him. But in that epic moment, he became afraid…

Suddenly his eyes fluttered open as if he were startled by something. His body was sweated wet with complete rapture, but he himself was almost instantly frustrated. Very frustrated. Above his head, the moth awoke as the young man below her suddenly began to stir and make funny noises. She watched in curiosity, blinking her eyes in a slight bit of confusion.

The young man was confused about what that was all about. He sure has hell liked it, but what on earth was it? Was it a wet dream or was it something real? It sure felt real, he thought, and it still feels a bit real! He wanted to get back to sleep to meet up with this… person (?) again, but he was too wide-awake. Was this God saying "this is what love is?" Or was this lust? Heck – he couldn’t even tell whether it was a dream or reality. Slowly the glow around the boy died out as he clung to his frustrations.

Meanwhile, the moth became slightly more confused at this young man’s stirrings. She decided to flutter downward and land near him to see if he could understand his actions better.

The young man was suddenly startled by a tickling sensation on his wrist – the same wrist that he had remembered the being touch in his dream, though he dared not budge. She padded around on his warm skin for a few moments, and then took flight upon instinct before the young man rolled over to see what was bothering him. Seeing nothing, he looked under and on top of his covers in search for whatever it was that could have been touching him, but he found nothing. During his frantic searching, she landed neatly to the place where she was before on his headboard and patiently waited for him to calm himself.

The young man gave up, and resumed his attempts to sleep. His body’s movement had reminded his brain that he was tired, and he found it much easier to fall back into sleep. After waiting for several moments, the moth above him closed her eyes and went back to rest as well. In her dreaming, she dreamt of him, with all of his magnificent features and his humble downfalls. She saw him wondering around aimlessly. She loved him.. so dearly… "Wake unto me, child," she called to him, and suddenly he vanished.

He KNEW that he had heard something! He felt it his due to slip back now, but he was having a difficult time. He became desperate, and prayed for assistance, asking what to do. Knowledge was then bestowed unto him, and in realizing his err; he completely let go of himself and drifted back into a state of


Letting his mind drift freely… totally unburdened… he came back to a place of clouds…. He felt totally at peace here… but he called out for the being that he had greeted. She suddenly materialized before him and began to come close to him. But before she could get too close to him, she completely vanished… he was confused and called out again. She appeared a second time, but as before, she vanished shortly after she appeared. Then inside of himself he heard a voice clearly say "Let go of me." In this he became frightened, and instantly the clouds around him became dark and cold. He became more frightened and again he heard a clear voice say unto him "Dear child, do not grasp!" And with his own realization, everything turned black.

He wondered, "am I awake?" And as if on cue, he felt a deep pitting in his head and fell through. The young man was falling aimlessly, but for some curious reason, he was not at all afraid. Gradually he became aware of the clouds again… this time they were much more comforting. The sense of falling had become only a past memory. He knew that this being now would come in it’s own time.

She watched him from a distance.. Studying him. Admiring him. She was thankful that he was not reaching out for her again, as she did not much appreciate that. She was a soul not to be possessed. Yet she knew that he was human, and she knew that human bodies could be difficult to handle, especially in the early ages. Yet she felt an overwhelming compassion for him. He was so beautiful.. She only wished that she could have been there in human form for him. He did know what love was… he had just forgotten. She floated slowly over to him.

He began to feel a certain presence again… some personality, and he glanced around and looked at the luminescent being with a welcoming smile… He felt his soul outreaching for her presence… this place he was…. So peaceful!

She nearly wept with love when he looked her straight in the eye. She saw so much joy and bliss bubbling out of him! This was his time to remember love… their time to love… She compassionately neared herself to him.

Although he could still make out nothing but immense light from this being, he sensed a definite personality there, and it was a personality that he had known from somewhere before.. He felt her… he literally felt her.. Love was an energy that was being exchanged between them. This time he knew to let go, and not to try… He also reminded himself "I cannot take her… I can only allow her.."

She gently and fully embraced him… she felt his body change in essence as she encompassed him. But she did not cling to him… she just gently held him. Caressing his soul... She only didn’t understand why she admired him so much… he just seemed to special and precious to her.. His embrace had comforted her a thousand times before.. This beautiful young man… Letting her passion build, she moved her face near to his….

Her embrace was like nothing he had ever felt before, and the gentle swaying of the clouds around him were suddenly nothing compared to this being’s gentle embrace. Her soft caressing arms did all that it took to completely melt and mold him to her.. How could he have forgotten her and the connection that they shared? Only now she was like a heavenly mother to him…. If only for eternity… if only for eternity… he felt her subtle shift herself.. Her body wrapped around him… and then at that moment… that silent infinite moment… he felt something so soft and angelic….. Her lips touched his……. And as one united whole they kissed…. Passionate angels… lovers became one…. A soul to soul kiss of true, pure love…. And they became as one….. The two melted into infinity… the young man and his spirited lover became one holy Godhead… nothing mattered but Love as their lips locked softly into eachother…

Slowly, as they instinctively drew away their lips, he saw her face.. Her whole essence… he was one with this brilliant, ethereal light, and he glowed as one with her…. He could not describe how he felt, but he was in love. That much he knew. He felt her head rest against his chest as they slowly let go of all… they had eachother… time nor space could not separate them. No words were spoken. No knowledge was needed. Love was all they had. And love was all they gave.

Tucked under his blanket, the young man slept snugly, with a warm glow showing all around him. The quiet, gentle moth that rested on his headboard glowed as well.. She rested there watching over him, not stopping once to think of how beautiful and handsome he truly was. She could not stop thinking of him, for it was all that she wanted. Just to be with him. Her wings rubbed her back gently as she silently thanked them for carrying her to him.

"Love knows no boundaries, precious," she whispered to him…. "I am never gone from you… I have loved you for eternity, and I will never stop." Her wings continued to gently rub against her back, her eyes closed with love.. If only a moth could cry, she thought. Her arm softly slipped down around his waste as she whispered in the young man’s ear, "Maybe someday we’ll make love in a more natural way, if you so desire….." And with that she flirtingly kissed his neck. The lovers then slept through the night… holding eachother… And with that, the young man had finally remembered what true love really was.