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In regard to links throughout this Site, you may see a word that is underlined but NOT highlighted blue like a link, It IS a link and these are words that can be found in our Dictionary. In case  you're unfamiliar with some of the fishing lingo.

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Where To Go Fishing

When you go fishing for the first time or if your taking a new person fishing, it is important everyone has an enjoyable experience. Therefore, find a pond, lake or stream that is safe and easily fished. As you learn and advance your skills, new challenges can be introduced; however, always include the safety equipment required for the new situation.


Lil' Tip!

Always be watching where the birds are hanging out in the lake, as they may be feeding on a hatch.

Choosing Where to Fish

Some fishing areas are better than others. The quality of fishing depends upon the water’s productivity, the fish species present, and the size of the fish present. Productive water has more fish than unproductive water; up to a point, the greener the water is, the more productive the water. In some waters, undesirable fish compete with desirable fish. Fishing is better in a lake with a high proportion of the right size fish. Check the fishing forecast for predicted “hot spots.”

Habitat is the key to fish survival, and fishing near habitat will result in more bites. Stumps, weed beds, and man-made fish attractors are all good examples of fish habitat. During summer, fish can be found near fishing or boating docks, as they prefer shaded areas.

In streams and rivers, anglers focus on riffles, the swift areas that bring food into the deep, slower portions. Fish congregate in this area and feed more actively as water begins to rise and carry more food.

Also you should try areas that fish use for resting. Fish rest in areas where the current is slowed by rocks, trees or in eddies near the swift water.

Current attracts fish in reservoirs as well as in streams. Current flow rates are higher under bridges; therefore, bank fishing from highway bridge approaches or near bridges from a boat can be good.
Safety should be a top priority in these bank areas, including the use of life jackets.

The areas below dams are called tailwaters. As fish migrate up river to spawn, they sometimes encounter a dam. Since many fish are migrating together, fish are concentrated. Fishing can be very good farm ponds at specific times of the year. Caution should be used in these areas, including the use of life jackets. If fishing these areas from a boat, maintain appropriate distance from the discharge areas for safety and as required by law.

Private Waters

Private ponds, streams and rivers are often excellent places to fish. The permission of the owner is required to fish water when you are walking on private property. A few simple courtesies will help you get invited back.

• If you desire to keep any fish from a stocked pond, ask how many, what species, and what size fish you may keep.

• Ask the owner if they would like any of your catch.

• Ask before you bring anyone with you.

• Do not litter.

• Close all gates behind you.

• Report any problems immediately to the owner.

Public Waters

 Larger lakes are normally managed by public entities. Public access points allow anglers boating and fishing access. For more information, contact the information division of your state fish and wildlife agency.

Where To Fish in a certain State
Find out where to fish in any State in The US


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It is important that people who fish follow all fishing rules and regulations.
These rules help conserve fish populations and also help anglers be successful.
Regulations may limit the size of, number of, and season that a type of fish may be caught, and may require a license to fish. In some cases, only “catch and release” fishing is allowed, which means the fish must be let go. Some bait is illegal in certain areas.
Contact your state wildlife agency by visiting Our Rules and Regulations Page.

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If you have any hints, suggestions, techniques or anything that you would like to share or have me put onto this web page,
please feel free to Email me

Copyright © Jon's Images, Inc.
All rights reserved

This website is the composition of many hours of research. Information contained within this site has come from numerous sources such as websites, newspapers, books, and magazines.

No animals were harmed in the making of this site.

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Please be advised that the content of this site is a source of information only. The FUNdamentals of Fishing Website cannot take responsibility for animal welfare or actions taken as a result of information provided, and if in doubt you should seek the advice of a qualified physician or veterinarian.

I do not suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it!