In regard to links throughout this Site, you may see a word that is underlined but NOT highlighted blue like a link, It IS a link and these are words that can be found in our Dictionary. In case you're unfamiliar with some of the fishing lingo.
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Fly Fishing
Template Jon
involves using artificial flies made of feathers and other materials
to imitate insects that fish eat. Fly fishing is so fabricated as being difficult making it reluctant for many anglers to even give it a fair chance. Don't get me wrong, fly fishing can be tougher to learn than fishing with conventional tackle. Most people start fishing by throwing lures or bait, which teaches them how to cast a heavy weight on a light line. In fly fishing, you throw a light fly with a heavy line. Switching from one to the other can be difficult. With the appropriate equipment and proper instructions, you should be able to cast the line reasonably well within a few hours.
misconception is that fly fishing is just for trout. Now that we cleared that up, let's begin. Since most people are familiar with spin-fishing, Analogies between fly fishing and spin-fishing will be used to help you better understand what fly fishing is all about.
you cast a lure attached to a very thin line with a spinning rod.
fly fishing, you
cast a flyline attached to a leader and fly with a flyrod.
there is a large tolerance between what works and what doesn't. Flyrods and flylines have to be matched carefully. Fly fishing gear can be expensive, but you can keep costs down by sticking with the items you really need. They are: rod, reel, line (and backing), leaders, tippet, flies, fly boxes, floatant, forceps and nippers. The rod and the line are where you want to spend the most money. Rods come in various lengths and are built to cast various weights of line. A heavier, longer rod allows you to use heavy flies, fight big fish and cast better in wind. A 7-foot rod built to cast 3-weight line is for casting small flies to small fish on small streams. A nine-foot rod built to cast 12-weight line is made for casting where big fish roam and heavy winds blow, such as on the ocean. Most people start with a rod in the middle, such as an 8 1/2- or 9-foot 5-weight. This type of rod will serve you well. You can find out more detailed information on fly fishing equipment here. The whole purpose of fly fishing, besides the grace and beauty of it, is to cast almost weightless flies and present them in the most delicate manner.
It would be
impossible to cast most flies with any other kind of gear, and to
match the delicate presentations you can achieve with a flyrod would
be just as impossible. So now you might be wondering why you would want to use a flyrod on something like a bass that likes a big meal. The flyrod can still be more productive in certain situations because of the delicate presentation, but most people do it for the challenge and the joy they get from using such a marvelous tool. After enough practice, the casting and other details become second nature and fly-fishing is a great way to relax from everyday life. Bubble float Fly fishing without a fly rod search BestFishingSecrets at for product links to add here Jon
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any hints, suggestions, techniques or anything that you would like to share
have me put onto this web page,
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I do not suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it! |