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Family Stuff

This started off as a double drabble stand alone... then the bunny bit. It now finds life on my site as a titled introduction to... Well, I haven't decided if I'm going to extend the next bit completely through the 'event', or if I'm going to just get things rolling, then get to the meat of things in a third section. We'll see.

by Scribe

The dark haired demi-god sat staring into the fire, hands wandering over swollen belly. A flicker of discomfort passed over already tired features. The other traveler looked up alertly, light glinting on shining blonde hair. There was a sigh and the half-divinity said, "Don't panic. It's just the baby kicking."

"Let me know when it becomes cramps. It'd be just like you to pass it off as indigestion till the baby's head was crowning."

"I've promised you I wouldn't do that, haven't I?"

"Gee, hormonal much?"

"My back hurts, my feet are swollen, and relieving myself is a balancing act. I don't know which will make me happier--the baby, or the fact that I won't have to pee every five minutes. If I ever find out who did this..." The words stopped as the grumbler felt a familiar, possessive hand stroke the taut swell of belly. Grim features relaxed in an almost reluctant smile.

"Shut up and come to bed. It's my fault, but yours, too. You just had to go swimming. Next time maybe you'll listen when I say, 'Wait till I check the map, Herc. There's supposed to be an enchanted spring around here.'"

And now what was spawned by that itty bit. This is how Herk and Iolaus got to that juncture.


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