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I just wanna talk to you,
Where are my friends tonight,
I'm feeling so blue
Tonight - tonight - tonight - tonight...
In times of trouble please don't close the door,
To give us power, that's what friends are for,
Keep on runnin' through the
Darkest night without fear.
I wanna talk to you with no pretense,
My silence is my only self-defense...
Wanna talk - just talk to you,
I'm waiting for a sign,
What else can I do?
Tonight - tonight - tonight - tonight...
I wanna tell you how I feel inside,
I wanna guide you,
There is no need to hide...

Brought to you by one of the best writers on the 'Net and me, the girl she got the idea from (kidding, Katja!)...No, it's a killer collaboration - Katy (of S&K's Cheezy Fan Fic), and I are tagteaming! Email her and me and tell us what you think...


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

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