Welcome to the beginning the place where you take off your masks and dump your troubles at the door, and explore the world. May I say this isnt just any world your travelling, it is my strange and deluded world. Be part of it. Welcome, fellow stranger. Welcome to my world. Welcome to the beginning.

I Have a Secret

Me, Myself and I

Words of Wisdom

The Ex Boyfriend Series



Tanks You

Auderieeeeee, Tell Me a Story . ..

Pretty Pix of da Ball

The Deluded Ramblings of the bored.

Map for the Lost.

*smiles* Please, enjoy. Your only here for a short while, sit back, take aim, and smell the roses on the way out

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At this moment, the crased world has caused "ME" To feel . . *dum dum dum*

The current mood of chaos_unleashed@hotmail.com at www.imood.com

*sighs* Typical

You know what I realised today? One one of my rampant urges to cure bordem, surfing around this global village of ours, that my page, this effort, this chunk of mine, is just the same as half a kajjillion billion other sites. Of which several zillion million has to be angelfire sites. I'm surprised you got here in one piece. I'm surprised I'm still here.

I have a cluttered mess of poems, ramblings, links, and interesting points that your probably not going to read. Alright, I bet, you came through the gate, stomped on my flowers (of which you probably haven't even noticed, and now that you know their there you going to go round and sniff them out, well, you already stood on them.), and headed ether straight for 'I have a secret' (which you were gravelly disappointed that I didnt tell you anything deep or dark) or 'The Ex-Boyfriend Series' (Where I tell some tales that probably don't interest you). And yet, your still here. Amazing.

But then, I reveiwed my relazation, and remembered that I dont go around and pretend I'm somthing I'm not, I don't try to impress or even care what you think. All in all, I think that thi pretty much reeks. News. Am going to strive to be different from the goo that is everyone else. Oh joy. *Gathers up-dating tools* Forward ho!

(Yet to start.)