Ba ll Pix

The night all 7th Form look forward to; the girls, for the dresses (and hair and make up and nails) and the guys, for the afterball (the drinking, and, the drinking). *grins* Its the night were we all go hard, and scream when someone new arrives at the door.

I, among the chaos, caught several pretty pix of everyone (Adrian, hun, you seem to feature in alot of them, now, I understand that you just adore the camera, but its getting a little ridicorous, dontcha think? *grins*), so, by all means, go on.

Theyre all in linx underneath, with who and what, but if you start at the beginning, you can move through one at a time with the charmingly placed link ( >> ), placed for your convience *grins* Its all good! So, I enjoyed my night, and I hope everyone else enjoyed theres . . . so, to everyones kick ass night, the pictures . . .

Mmkay, just a little note before you dive in, some (okay, ALOT) of the pix need to be flipped, and I WILL get round to it, its just SOMEONES more concerned with seeing a certain someone (starting with C and ending in HRIS) then having the pix up the right way *grins* who could that be? huh? *coughlizcough* :) Nah, jokes *hugs* Sorry Liz (I can just see that puppy dog face shes wearing now - I hate how she can make me feel guilty and she doesnt even have to be in front of me!)

Dave and Adrian
Shell and Tom
Me and Tu (Needs to b flipped)
Me and Adrian
Nola and Adrian
Tu, Brett, David, and Adrian
Shell and Tom
Ben, Alisa and Joe
Erica and Matt
Me and Tu
Ben, Alisa, Erica and I
Alisa and Jason
Everyone (Alisa, Jason, Michelle, Tom, Erica, Matt, Tu and Me)
Everyone (Again)
Da Boys
Da Boys
Alisa, Shell, Erica, Me
Rachel and Tim
Phill, Emily and Ruebeen

So, so SO much more to come!