"Without friends, where would we be?"

A Word Of Thanks

Well, I have to update this, its been so long since I did, and weve all changed since then, but lucky for me, I still know the same people, more even and for many of my wonderful wonderful fwiends, I love them more than I did back when I was trying to avoid being caught playing around with the schools computer system (School . . . *sigh*) . . . so, updated notes of love *cheesy grin*

First up, Audrey, cause, well, without her, who knows what wouldve happened to me? *grins* Thanks for forever listening and looking out for me, tanks for all those random phone conversations, and the incredibly cooel tales you have to tell, youve made school just that much better a memory, and just by being there constantly, whether I need you or not, your a massive part of my life, and I have no idea who I would have been, or where I would be if I hadnt met you. ;) I just want to say I LOVE YOU man!! *grins* Blue Trucks!! You have just been forever there for me, and tis all good . . .

To Nola, Nols *hugs* One of my bestest friends, forever guiding me, and the endless smiles (!), ure endless sunny and bubbly personality, *grins* The many chats and laughs, :) the advice, the hugs, You are truely and utterly one of the most wonderful, perfect people I've been privledged to know! *grins* Everything and anything, love you man. Tanks so much!!

James - :) *hugs* I love you lots and lots :) Thanks for saving me from the world so many times . . . :)

Dim - I can do the apples!! *grins* You've forever been there, constantly there with advice if I need it, and your always there with style tips and great stories *coughnewyearscough* ;) And I can't believe that you (and all you guys) have let me be a friend to you, I don't know if I deserve it, you are such a wonderful person, *hugs* love you!

Liz - *grins* Heya hun!! Even though I haven't seen you or talked to you as often as I would like to, your still one of those wonderful people I feel totally and utterly privledged to know, you someone I can always you I can count on, (speshly for tissues or a pen, or for the time - *hugs*), and youve never looked down on me when I've got myself in trouble, willingly bailing me out :) Your like a mum, but so much more fun, and I love you for it (I'm loveing all you guys aye :)

Ame - *hugs* Even though your basically very much on the other side of the world, *hugs* I still love you lots and lots and lots :) (dnq) Thanks SO much for the random thoughts, advice and everything! :) Mwa, your more excellent than you think you are

Squire - Well, crasy amounts of yay :) You are wonderful and cute and excellent and everything a friend could ask for :) Thank you for your patience, and for just listening when I needed it, thanks for the long-night conversation and mignight walks, and for not judging me as harshly as I probably deserved. *hugs* Love you lots. :)

Chris - :) Your pretty cooel too, amazingly talented and excellent when I want out of this world for a bit :) *hugs* Thanks for being so off-this planet babe, you absolutely rock!

Alistair - *cheesy grin* I dont think you need me to remind you of how great you are. :)

Scott - Well, you demanded that I add you (as you were all jealous of David *grins*) Alright, thanking you cause you actually let me listen to ure limp bizkit cd while I watched you get ure butt kicked *grins* Nah, ure cooel, thanks for taking all the insults I willing hand out without completely defacing me in return :)

Kyla - *hugs* Even though you deserted me and went to kings, I still love you lots and lots and lots :) Thanks HEAPS for letting me in on late nights when I randomly turned up, and for being there for me when I needed you to be. *hugs* thanks for teaching me 500 and building sand couches and putting up with Jana and Mike and the likes, thanks for being really wonderful in all aspects possible. :) I luff you.

Chai *hugs* Weve been friends since 5th form, and I can't think of anything more crasy than you and I in calc! :) Your my bestest bud, and I dont know who else I would go crasy with if it wasn't with you! *cheesy grin* babe I love you heaps (dnq) ;)

Emily - :) Study buddy! *hugs* Fanx for playing 500 with me in study . . . :) and randomly infiltrating dilworth with me :) *hugs* Its all good! Ahh!! Carabeena!!

My study people, Sarah, Gillian, Emily and Emma. :) Wow . . almost a whole year of doing nothing (apart from me and emily randomly disappearing on bf duty . . .and that brief (thank gosh) spell of actual work we(I) did . . . . *smiles* thanks for making study so much fun . . .I mean really, who wants to go to the silent room (*shudders*) when I could hang out with you guys? *hugs* Luff you all . . . AHHHH!! Carabeena!!

To Laura the Human Fish . . . *hugs* My tutorial buddy!! Fanx for playing 500 for me, and doing my calc, and very randomly entertaining me as you do!

Gillain, *smiles* Formtime would not be the same without you, last year we suffered Maths and Ms Hokstra (now that I look at it, shes got the most hideous name!), and now *grins* Ure just so cooel!

Phill (C)*hugs* Tanks heaps for everything, basically just being, and for putting up with my odd antics and for frolicking with me *smiles* for not laughing at my anger-mangement through craayons and for giving me hugs even thou I barely see you anymore! Love you man!

Leise! - *hugs* :) Thanks for being really cooel and for being my mate and randomly being very very VERY wonderful!! :) *hugs* luff you lots man!

Shell, shell shell shell! :P I'm sorry I'm such an egg, and a hazard :P But thanks for making life so much easier with just a casual saying and a moment of just being *smiles* I wish you so much man!

Erica - :) *hugs* Thanks for being there, for suppling me with cookie dough and playdough recipies and for letting me parade infront of your camera like an idiot, and always being someone willing to be wonderful for me :)

List of ppl to say tanks too (Ill cross you off once I get around to you, if your not there, ask, and ill add you :)

Doug *grins*
Jens (and Matt)
Adam + Scout
Xentheon - sorry if I spelt it wrong . . .
The people who make Milo
Our ball dates, for not being as evil as they could have (ie, 2, Jeffery, Adrian, Tom (!) *grins*, David, Dominic, Chris . . . :) (Note: they turned out to be more evil after than before, apart from Tom and Chris, who are two of the nicest people I know :)
Dylan and Chris-the-pixie - two very random people. This list is gonna keep me going for a while so I'll end it there :)

(And I HAVE to say hi to some people - Sam, Shaun, Alex, Jamie, :) Randomly more people *hugs*)