'I wonder if Jellyfish like peanut butter . . . '

Secret Thoughts, Random Wonderings

Alright, thoughts; the kind that you don't tell anyone for fear of being looked at like you were an idiot, schemes that will make you a millionare how to get Sarah out of the picture so you can hook yourself up with Jack . . . *grins* not quite, I'm just gonna put anything and everything that comes up here, perhaps the more lengthy ones as links at the bottom (uhm, like that happiness crayon bomb, has anyone heard about that yet? - I'm thinking a couple of you out there know what I'm talking about.) If you would like to add something; please, mail me (itsalljinxed@hotmail.com), I'll post it up for you. Lets make something of interest happen here, kay? Please don't look at my like I'm an idiot *grins* I'm only as insane as you are. Oh, and I'm not putting who said what for obvious reasons, it wouldn't be a secret if I did . . .

'What would the world be like if fish could fly?'

'It's an awfully bad idea to wear thong sandals in place of your thong underwear. Or so I've heard.'

'Ever have thoughts that are like, when I have kids, I'm going to switch the words "burger" and "booger", just to mess with their heads and get a good laugh everytime you go to McDonalds?... Me either, what kind of a sick person would do that?... '

'You remember how it was as a kid when all your parents would want to watch on TV was the news? Did you ever just sit there and stare at the TV just so you would seem mature? That was a total waste of my childhood. '

'Ever notice that the monkeys in the animal cracker boxes wear pants? Why is it that only the monkeys get pants? Aren't the other animals jealous? So the elephants get little hats, big deal. '

'Seeing as getting thrown around the place is a daily occurance on the starship enterprise, howcome they never put any seatbelts in?'

'i figured out why people feel naked when they are naked. it's because they don't have any pockets.'

'Ping pong is a funny name for a sport.'

'Don't you hate it when your cat looks at you, smiles, and then licks his butt?'

'somebody should invent a machine that turns recyclable garbage into ducks... that would be cool... unless the ducks turned back into trash after a while... that would just make a mess '

'Why do all fairy tales start with "Once upon a Time?" Why can't they start with something cool like "A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away. .'

'Aren't staple removers mean looking? '

'you haven't lived until you've slept under a jungle gym. '

'People once said that the moon was made of cheese. And in later years they said that the moon was not made of cheese, but that it was like a rock.....well, thats what happens when you leave cheese out. '

'If moths are attracted to the light why don't they come out during the day? Or do we just not see them because they are trying to get to the sun? '

'Why is it that when I'm waiting for the elevator after having pushed the button like a normal individual, someone else sees the little button lit up and still insists on pushing it again? Don't they trust my button pushing skills?'

'Do you think people would try not to look directly at me if I dressed up like a big sun?'

'Don't Craisins just sound like they'd be crazy raisins or something?'

'I think foke is a much better word than smog. '

Yes, the thoughts were implanted. :P big ups to you if you noticed.