'I mean really Melanie, must we go through this every week?' - Mh (the Dean)


Mmkay, so, this is my random collections of little stories and lists of things that have in one point of time, amused me, please, help yourself (I think the milk is a little off, so I'll go up to the dairy to get a new carton soon, alright? Sugar and milo are in the pantry, and I'll be back in just a minute.)

Alchohol Consumption Warnings

A Not Quite Essay

Insanity Signs

Life's Questions

Ah ha *wink wink, nudge nudge*

A Salesmen's Slogans . . .

You walk downstairs, no biggy right? Well, because you walked downstairs, you flipped on the TV just to see what was on, but you see a commercial for a cool toy. You like the toy,so you go to the store and buy it. You have it for a few months, get bored with it and leave it sitting on the table one day. Dad sees it, and gets sick of seeing you leave your junk around, so he gives it to charity. The toy is then given to a young turkish kid (who happens to live in turkey). The turkish kid shows it off to the wrong crowd one day, it gets stolen from him by a bully. the bully plays with it until he's bored, so he drops it in the street. A tourist walks through the town gazing at the sights, and slips on the toy, falling into the road, getting hit by a car, and dying in the hospital three hours later. You see "tourist in turkey dies from car accident". How could you know he died because you walked downstairs?