March 2001

Heaven's Plans for You



It is only in the surrendering of your will unto my spirit, says the Lord, that my perfect will for you will be accomplished in this hour --in you and through you to fulfill heaven's plans.  For my heavenly blue prints for each of you can only be fulfilled as you surrender your will to me, and allow my will to be done through you and in you for this hour.
Many of you still struggle with surrendering fully unto me.  You cling to your flesh as if it is worth holding on to, as if you would be losing something if you let go of it.  You cling to self as if it is worthy of such great honor, and do not heed the cries of my spirit to loose that which is of the flesh in this hour.  The hour is drawing near that you must be moved into position where I want you, yet many you have not yet allowed me to strip all the flesh from your bones.  Many of you have not made the decision to answer your destiny call.  You linger in Egypt with a desire to stay for a while longer.  I have called you and called you, you hear but some of you do not heed my voice.  You try to come leaving part of your heart in Egypt, so Egypt holds your heart captive and enslaved because you have not willing loosed the chains that have bind you there.
You cannot serve me and serve mammon. Only those who are willing to surrender themselves fully will enter into my kingdom in this day and hour.  Only those wholly given over to me, will I use to establish my kingdom on earth in this hour.   So be not deceived by the enemy who blinds you, no flesh shall enter into this work of heaven in this day.  For my kingdom will only be birthed out of  willing vessels of mine in this hour, so no flesh will glory in this work, or any man say this is a work of mine that I have done with my own hands..  
I desire tha all my children walk in all the fullness of my heavenly plans for them. For my plans for you are not your plans, says the Lord, but they are my plans. 
So rejoice this day, surrender unto my spirit, so that my heavenley plans will be accomplished in you, and my will will be done in you for the kingdom's sake.  For I have chosen each of you to be born in this hour to fullfill this work on earth that is birthed in heaven.  The choice is laid before each man, what road he will travel, which plan he will chose.  Will you chose heavens plan, or your plan in this hour to be set in motion on earth?  The choice is yours. 



 My beloved ones, how I long for your love and your desire without quenching.  My heart longs for the days that we once shared in the cool shade of the garden, along the river in the garden where I dwell. The place you used to long to go with all your hearts, all the day long.   Where your love burned for me like a consuming fire, where the flames of your desire for me could not be put out, that are the days that I long for once again from my beloved. 
For so many of you have allowed the business of ministry and the busyness of this life to distract your hearts and you have allowed the very flames of desire that once consumed you with a love for me to cool down.   In many of your hearts, they are only embers barely flickering in the fire of your love for me now.
My beloved, I desire your hearts, fully surrendered to me, that your love for me be like a forest fire burning each day as a fire that cannot be put out.  That your thoughts and heart yearn for me from the time you arise to the time to go to bed, and the flames of your desire for me consume you day and night.  That you desire me more  than anyone or anything in this world, as you once did, for I am a jealous God, and I want your love in all its fullness and all of its passion.  I desire a people who are consumed with a passion and who desire to be in my presence more than anything in this world.
I am calling to you once again, to return to this place in the garden of my love and presence.  For I am a jealous God, and desire all of your heart, not just a part of it.
I am calling you now to come to me, for my love for you is without boundaries, and I desire to have your love and your hearts fully given to me with the flames of desire consuming you, as it once was. 


One Heart-One Beat


Oh, my children, how I long to hold you in my arms, and wrap you with my love and tenderness in the closeness of my bosom..  I call unto you, and call, but many of you do not answer me.   The world has encased you with the business of its busyness and the racing about to do this and that.  Many of you are being deceived by the enemy's plot to deafen your spiritual ears and hearing through these distractions around you.  How can you hear my voice, if you will not quiet yourselves long enough to listen  anymore?  The longer you are away from me, the harder and farther away my voice becomes until it is like a distant sound that is barely heard.  A spirit of distraction again has been sent out to get your eyes away from me.  Its goal is to destroy your very life.  Watch and be viligant, for the enemy has sent out many things now to destroy you my children.
My heart grieves for your companionship my beloved.  I long to have you close to me.  I  want to share my deepest secrets with you.  I long for the closeness we once had.  My beloved ones, you have allowed me to become second in your life and that grieves me deeply.
My love cries out for your love my beloved. I long for the times we once shared.   How many days must I cry out to you? How many days must my heart grieve for your love as the love we once shared together.   Remember the days we once had under the refreshing shadow of the trees of the garden.  We shared our hearts like young lovers who so deeply in love.  Our hearts beat as one heart- and our heart beat as one beat together.
How I long for your love as before, without all the distractions which have now filled your life and brought you farther away from my heart.  I long for your love as it once was my beloved.    Come and be with me, lay aside all the things which have taken the place of our time together, so that we can once again share the deepest parts of our hearts with one another. 
 I long for your heart to be one with mine once again.  Come closer to me once again, and let your heart beat as one with mine once again.

Demonstration of My Power


Walk away from all that has tried to enslave you in this hour, my beloved ones.  All that has held you in bondage to the chains of religion and of the works of the flesh must be shaken off, and removed for you now.
Many of you are trying to still walk into the new 3rd day work of my spirit through the fleshy work of your own hands, and you are not surrendering to my spirit says the Lord.  You cannot come into the new 3rd day work of my spirit, until you are fully surrendered at the cross and have dyed fully to self before me.  Then I can bring you into the resurrection power for this hour.  I am about to pour out my power upon you, says the Lord so that you will walk in great demonstration of my power now, and many will be healed.  Come and receive all that I have for you this day.   For I have chosen many of you to walk in this mighty explosive firey anointing for this hour.  Your words will go forth in explosive power of my spirit, in mighty demonstration of my spirit upon the earth.
These will release great firestorms of my fire over the earth.  Out of these fires that will be ignited upon the earth, will be birthed true revival over the earth.
This 3rd day power that is going to be released now,. will set the earth on fire through it's explosive power.  A power that is not fueled by man's hands, but by the power of my spirit says the Lord.

Entering into the Fullness of the Promise


My children, I grieve for many of my children in this hour. Many of you have not heeded my words, when I came to you in times past.  You have held back a portion of your heart, and have not allowed me into that place to work a finished work in you.  You have back a part of you and not surrendered fully at the cross. 
How can you enter into the fullness of the promise, if you have not yet died fully to self?   I say to many of my children, again today, come to me, and fully surrender your whole hearts before me.   Hold back nothing from me in this hour, for only those who are fully and wholly given over to me in their hearts will enter into the fullness of the promise that I have spoken for this hour.  
Come quickly, my children, and come and surrender all of your hearts of the altar.. Give yourselves as willing sacrifices of love upon the altar of my consuming fire, so I may burn up that is not of me in that place.  Heed my words, for the time is short, and the hour at hand for my glory to be poured out on and into the willing vessels of surrender on earth.
Some have been deceived into thinking there is no need to die of self, and to surrender all that you are at the cross.  They have thought they could skip over the pain of dying and suffering that many have already endured.  Without the dying of self, the total and wholly giving over of all that you are in this world, spirit, soul and body, you can not enter into the promised land.
There is no way to enter into the promised land, which is the place of my resurrection power that awaits you. without coming through the suffering and the dying of all self, and totall surrender of all you are at the cross.  Many of you have not wanted to feel the pain of your flesh dying, and wanted to endure the dying that must occur at that place of the cross. You thought that you could enter into the glory by some other way, avoiding the suffering and dying to self, and coming in through a back way of some sort. Yet haven't I told you that you must enter in through the door, that there is no other way in but through the entrance to the temple.  There is no way through the door to the glory but by first going through the suffering and death of all flesh and self.  Without suffering there can be no glory.  For out of the suffering and death of self and flesh, glory was birthed the first time, and so it is the second time now for my sons and daughters of glory also.
Some of you have wanted to enter in through a back door, but there is no way in to the temple but through this gate.  This is the place you must go through to enter into the 3rd day glory and power.  Without suffering, my precious children, glory cannot be birthed ---even in this hour.
So, rejoice, my children, sound the trumpets from zion, the time is now at hand for my children to come into the fullness of the promise spoken of in times.  The time is here, and it is now, for my glory to be released on earth into my children.  For those who are willing to be vessels of surrender wholly given unto me in this hour, will be filled with my glory, so my glory can reign on earth in this hour and my will done on earth in this hour..  
For this is the time and hour for my sons and daughters to receive the fullness of the promise that I have given to each of you.  Prepare your hearts, seek me with all yor hearts for the hour is now at hand.  Come before me in the spirit of meekness and humbleness of heart, and I will fill you with my glory in this hour. 
Sound the trumpets, and dance before me with joy, for time has come that all creation has waited for.