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New! LairMap to Illuminate the Lost

After some thought, I decided to create a bit of a Site Map for the Lair, in order to bring to light some pages that might not be Visited too Often, for the Primary reason that most LairLurkers don't even realize that they exist. Better that than try to submit a bunch of Obscure individual pages to Search Engines in the wake of the Home Lair, and get that Much more junk email for Herbal Viagra (and breast enhancement, penile enlargement, and miraculous home businesses doing Goddess-knows-what, etc.) in return! So, in order to make the Lair more Fun and Accessible, here are links to all the Lairs (Completed and Otherwise) Established to date. I hope that this will make it Easier for you to navigate through the Tangled mess that is Kari's Lair. Then again, it might also get you hopelessly Lost in dark, obscure LairCrannies that rarely see the light of day! But at least you'll hopefully have fun while getting Lost in here...

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HomeBase, MarketLairs and Artist Tributes

Well, first of all, I assume that everyone knows where the Home Lair Page is by now...


Now, then, let me introduce myself. My name is Karen Ingrid Olsen (I got this name by having Scandinavian relatives on Both sides). I am the notorious LairMistress referred to in the signature of all my emails. I do not look like this:

She is just here to call attention to my Musician's Bio Page, my brand new Proto PhotoLair, and the Online version of the Goal Scenario 2001 page. And now we have, as of August 15, 2002, a Really Brand New Musician's Resume for your Friendly Neighborhood LairMistress!!

As for our Subsequent Annual Reports, Annual Report: Goal Scenario 2002 was Posted on March 29, 2002; and our newest one, Annual Report: Goal Scenario 2003, was Polished Up and Posted on Tuesday, August 26, 2003!


And Speaking of PhotoLairs, our first Haunted Gallery, featuring nonphoto images used in the Cafepress eStores (see below), is now Up and Running! The Haunted Gallery II, probably still to be expanded, has also Gone Up since this LairMap was last Revised!


I now have not one but FIVE LairShops open online, courtesy of, including the Latest, The Lair of Cards, our first Premium LairShop, exclusively for prints, cards, stickers and other Paper Stuff! Since our last Update, Artifacts of the Lair, and The LithicLair: Neolithic LairShop, have also been Upgraded to Premium shops. Here are the same set of Links now up on the Home Lair:

Artifacts of the Lair

The LithicLair

The Lair of Cards


All Bunnyz, All The Time


Another purpose of the Lair is to promote and offer tributes to my favorite musicians, especially those performing in the Folk, Celtic and World Music genres:

Rahat Ali Khan Concert Review Tribute to Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan


During the most Eventful Summer of 2001, I somehow fell under the spell of an Enchanting local acoustic musician and songwriter by the name of Jason Webley. I now have all of his officially released recordings to date, and have sent a copy of "Against the Night" to my parents, so they can hear what I've been gushing about all summer. But for some reason, my Mom says she's "afraid" to let my Dad hear it (oh, come on, now)!! I also took part in some of Jason's Guerrilla Concert Events. A review of one of them, and the now-Infamous Halloween Concert 2001, are at these links:

Jason Webley Halloween
Concert Review 2001

Jason Webley Happy Death-
Day 2003 Concert Review

Guerrilla Concert Event 1
(Harbor Steps) Review

Day of the Dead Concert
2002 Review

Balloon Feather Boat Tomato: Jason Webley Halloween Concert 2004


As visitors to the Lair have discovered, my Home Lair info items eventually spilled over onto two Archive of the Lair pages. In early September 2002, we consolidated the Archived entries from 2001 in, as you might expect, the Archive Lair 2001. In January 2003, we began to assemble an Archive Lair 2002, in anticipation of the Lair's Second Anniversary! Archive Lair 2003 duly followed suit, Same time, Following year. LATEST UPDATE: Archive Lair 2009 has just been Dredged and Shored Up, with mass Semiannual transfer of Archived posts proceeding immediately Thereafter! Here are LairLinks to our full range of Murky caves:

Archive Lair 1 Archive Lair 2

Archive Lair 2001 Archive Lair 2002 Archive Lair 2003

Archive Lair 2004 Archive Lair 2005 Archive Lair 2006

Archive Lair 2007 Archive Lair 2008 Archive Lair 2009

Archive Lair 2010 Archive Lair 2011 Archive Lair 2012

Archive Lair 2013


I write songs too. I've been writing them since High School. Some of them are Highly Controversial. I have a strong paranoia that God has been trying to sabotage my musical career, because my songs would destabilize the Cosmic Equilibrium if they were too widely heard. But I'm in the process of getting them out there anyway. Here is the Index for their Lyrics:

Musicmarket Song Lyric Index


Here are LairLinks to excerpts of some of my Literary Exploits. Prepare to be Shaken, if not Stirred...

The Young Clan Mother's Tale: Short Story Excerpt
Litmarket Article/Epinion Review Index Page
Yarns of the Lair: Fiction Index Page
Power Objects: Novel Excerpt
Genesis: Notes for Research
Litmarket Poetry Index Page
Caitlin's Cats: Short Story Excerpt
Don't Know What to Tell You: Short Story Excerpt
Why Must My City Be Burned? Short Story Excerpt


Oh, By the Way...

You may have noticed some Colorful logos on various pages that don't look like the Usual animated gifs. Things have changed in the Affiliate World since we tried in Vain to supplement our Meager income with affiliate marketing. Gosh knows what happened to; but their affiliate program seems to have been Discontinued, right up there with Amazon's aStores. However, we're still with the Amazon Associates program, for Better or Worse, though we may need to update many of the affiliate images we've been slapping on Various pages...


Our Lovely (and still Unfinished) LairLinks Complex

Here at the Lair, I have a fetish for Links pages. I absolutely love them. They are how I find things I wouldn't even know to look for via search engines. I created the LairLinks Complex (which is still a work in progress) not only to aid myself in finding valuable info relating to Music, Freelance Writing, Political Activism, Earning Money online and various Personal Passions, but also to help other people with like interests in their quest for knowledge on the Net. At least, I HOPE somebody besides myself finds these LairLinks pages useful. But I will keep building them, Regardless, following the outline I have developed (give or take a few extra pages!)...


Here is the LairLinks Main Index Page. This one, at least, can be said to be Finished. The dimly-lit animated graphic of Stonehenge disappeared from Animation Factory altogether, so I replaced it with an animated Kokopelli figure.


We begin, of course, with Music. Here is the link to the LairMusic Index Page. The individual LairMusic Links Pages run as Follows:

LairMusic Organizations & Publications Page
LairMusic Seattle Club Demo Sites Page
LairMusic Indie Resources Page
LairMusic Genres Page
LairMusic Artists Page
LairMusic Open Mics Page
The Shiny New Drumming Page
LairMusic Lyrics & Soundfiles Page


Even after the demise of the site, I continue to be bitten by the Online Freelance Writing bug. Thus the next category of LairLinks pages will be our LairWrit Freelance Writing Resources Directory:
LairWrit Writing Directories Page
Self-Publishing Resources Page

LairWrit Index Page
LairWrit Individual Markets Page
Zines and Zine Directories Page


Good News!! The LairLoot SubComplex is officially Up and Running as of Wednesday, July 9, 2003! It was on the back burner for Quite a long time, and most of the LairPages still need quite a bit of work on them, but do Slink In and check them out, since they're finally Available for public perusal!!

Progressive & Alternative Work Resources LairLoot Index Page TradeLair: E-Commerce Resources
Freelance Writing Gigs Freelance Music Gigs Miscellaneous Freelance Gigs
LairLoot of the Affiliates Crafts and Small Presses LairGigs


Now for the PassionLair SubComplex: this mix of stuff will probably NEVER be completed, with all of the things that I get Passionate about and spend hours online seeking relevant LairLinks for. Even the Lairs currently up are not all Finished, by any means. But here are the pages that are currently Available for your perusal:

PassionLair Index Page
Activist Page
Gaeilge (Irish Language) Page
Iraq Sanctions Page
Religious Left PassionLair
GRAND OPENING! The Lair's FunCave Games Arcade

Samhain/Halloween Special Links Page

Alt-Media Page
Goddess/Women's Spirituality Page
E-Cards Page
Sculpey/Ceramics Page
NEW! LairLinks to Help You
Navigate Seattle


Clear as Mud, eh...?

Okay, now, does all this help make the Lair easier to navigate? I hope so--I had to take a special crash course in making HTML tables just to make it look halfway Presentable! So come do some exploratory Lurking in the Lairs and their various compartments that you haven't checked out yet, and bring this map and a good flashlight with you! Happy LairLurking!!


Return to (where else?) the Home Lair.

