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Kari's Lair: Home of the Virgo Folkie

Kari's Lair: Fáilte Isteach!

HI ALL! This is my new Homepage/Cave/Lair.

At the moment, it is still under construction, but I hope it will soon be a fun place and music/writing promotion tool. If it doesn't crash somehow, or I forget my password to get into this thing.

Be sure to check out the links on this homepage (and I hope their originators don't mind my linking to them!)

Today, June 20, 2001, is the birthday of this site. May it have many more anniversaries.

--Karen I. Olsen


THE LAIR'S SITEMAP LAIRLINKS DIRECTORY INDEX The LairMistress's Musician's Bio Musician's Resume
VirgoFolkie LiveJournal Lair Youngblood Circle (The Confundus Conspiracy) The LairMistress's ReverbNation Profile
LairMistress: Youtube Channel Karen the LairMistress: New Spotify Profile The LairMistress on Bandcamp (In Progress)
Sing Globally, Think Universally: Folk & World Music Reviews and Promotion NEW! Karen on Instagram
Virgofolkie: SoundCloud Profile Karen's Flickr Profile The LairMistress Profile at BigStockPhoto
LairMistress Imagekind Profile (Original Pics for Sale!)


And It Shall Rain Forever and Ever...

Photo Courtesy of Webcams.


The Lair's eStores: Our Official Cafepress LairShops!

NEWSFLASH (WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14, 2009): LairCronies, a new PromoLair has just been Excavated! After thinking about it Awhile, we decided to start up a blog that promotes our Cafepress LairShops (in lieu of a CP newsletter), and have it Attached, more or less, to the Home Lair at Angelfire. The blog will promote the LairShops; now we have to get Going like gangbusters and promote the blog! It's called The LairShops Beckon.

In the process of Dredging out this PromoLair, we learned a thing or two about what they call "Advanced Customization" (that thing they don't really let you do with free LJs). We are learning how to tweak the Stylesheets, the code for Main page entries, the LairLinks sidebar, and such like. We just put up our first two posts in the past couple of days; now we have to alert the Entire planet to the existence of this thing; and by extension, the LairShops! Just click on the image Below, or the text link Above, to check it out...

The LairShops Beckon: Cafepress Shops PromoLair


Artifacts of the Lair: Lair Logos and other Originals for LairLurkers!

The LithicLair: Graphics and scanned ceramic images inspired by Neolithic European art!

Eireann85: Images of photos taken during the LairMistress's travels in Ireland in 1984-1985!

All Bunnyz, All The Time:
Another Cafepress Store.
My dad sent me this Bunny pic.
It looks a little spooky,
But some people dig that stuff.

The Lair of Cards: Our first Premium LairShop, entirely Dedicated
to paper products (though it may eventually
include cellphone cases and sew-on patches;
they're also fairly flat)

Barefoot Bandit North American Tour 2010:
A special novelty shop for fans of Colton Harris-Moore.
My brother, a small plane owner, is not one of them...LOL


And, of Course, don't forget to Slink In and SIGN THE GUESTBOOK!!

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If Wishes Were Currency (and Catching Up on News and Stuff)...

THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 2024: Good evening, LairCronies--well, as good as it can get, Anyway. Everything on Earth appears to be going Mad these days. Sorry for the Long delay in updating things. It's one More reason why I need my own little rented office Somewhere in town, where I'm not Bothered by people asking to borrow money, inviting me to watch Inane comedies in my building's basement community room, and all that other gobbledygook. That way, I wouldn't be Tempted to run up to the Best Western in Edmonds quite as Often. Besides, I've heard that rental rates in downtown Seattle are way Down lately, Due to people continuing to work from home, which for Some reason is being Blamed on homeless people.

For some reason, the Israeli military is still bombarding Gaza. Over the past nine months, much of Gaza's civilian infrastructure has been Reduced to rubble by airstrikes and other bombardment, on the off chance that terrorists might be hanging out in Said infrastructure. The IDF evidently considers it Necessary to utterly destroy Entire neighborhoods in order to nab a handful of Hamas fighters. If it's not Yet completely Obvious that Israel is trying to drive all the Palestinians out of Gaza (in order to re-annex and re-settle the place) by making most parts of the Strip Uninhabitable, the IDF is still hitting the rubble of buildings and refugee camps with more airstrikes and tank shells, apparently to reduce the rubble to finer-sized rubble, for some Bonkers reason. But the Palestinians of Gaza have made it crystal Clear that they ain't leaving; Likewise the Palestinians of the West Bank, no matter how many of their number are plainly Murdered by settlers and Israeli troops. They pray in the ruins of mosques, return to bombed-out homes and repaint them; and do all they can to keep their children from starving to death. Netanyahu and the Far-right thugs in his cabinet couldn't care Less if they tried about Palestinian infants starving to death. Shoot, they don't even lose that much sleep worrying about Israeli hostages still in Gaza. When confronted with Irrefutable evidence that adorable six-year-old Hind Rajab was straight-up Murdered, along with her aunt, uncle and cousins, in a car Parked at a gas station outside Gaza City, the IDF merely muttered, "We're still looking into it." But Hind Rajab has changed the world, simply by crying out for help in a Cellular call that has gone Viral worldwide. She is now the subject of Macklemore's top-selling rap song, "Hind's Hall." I myself am writing a song about the strength of Gazan people's faith that seems to outlast the bombing of their places of worship. And Israel's reputation, across the world, has never been in a more Wretched state; much of the world is finally Over the "Israel can do no wrong" ideology. More on this Soon...

In the Mean and Mad time, I think I've finally got my Zoom h4n recorder Figured out; now it's time to make Proper recordings of a bunch of songs, if I can find a recording space without too much traffic or air-conditioner noise (the built-in mics of a h4n, after all, can pick up Quiet voices Clear down the end of my hall!). More busking is also in Order, as well as getting the two Huge boxes in my bathroom into storage where they belong. I'm not moving Yet; just trying to declutter the space I have, within reason. I'd also like a Short vacation this summer on the Oregon coast, or some Such location.

UPDATE (MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2024): In other news, I am sixty (60!) today. Unbelievable. I don't feel anywhere near that age. Mentally, I feel about 32. Does everyone go through such a Surreal mental state when they hit the Big Six-Oh?! Seriously, I don't feel like a Senior. At all. I still give up my seat on buses for Real elders. Oh: and lest I forget, actor Keanu Reeves is also 60 Today. Party on, dude!!


Anyway, here Again are some new Antiwar and other Progressive LairLinks that have crossed our path Recently, as well as some old favorites from Before--Newly Updated (note new URLs for some orgs)! Alas, the Iraqi Information Minister site finally bit the dust a while Back. He probably still regrets that we are too far Removed from reality...

International Network of Street Papers 9/11/03 Salam Pax's Weblog AlterNet Online
Back To Iraq 3.0 (Christopher Allbritton's blog series) CREDO Action (formerly Working for Change)
Independent Media Center (Archived) Baghdad Burning: Riverbend's Weblog (Archived) School of the Americas Watch
ZNet/Z Magazine (New URL) The Shalom Center (New URL) OneAmerica (formerly Hate Free Zone)
World Can't Wait NEW! Fridays For Future Michael Electronic (New URL)
Salam Pax's New Blog Southern Poverty Law Center Salam Pax's Wordpress Blog Education for Peace in Iraq Center (EPIC):Temporary New URL
Voices in the Wilderness (Archived) Fellowship of Reconciliation World Youth Peace Organization


Seattle Summer/Fall Festivals Upcoming (Live Events Only!): The Newest Update (well, More or Less...)

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2024: Here I am, a newly-Minted 60-something, still using LairSpeak terms like "LairLurkers"! Oh well; as the song says, "Merry-hearted boys make the best of old men." Not to mention that Fantastic book title, When I Am An Old Woman, I Shall Wear Purple. Shoot, I have three purple teeshirts already! So, good LairCronies, what are we doing for Fall Festivals this year? Let's put our Google-eyes goggles on...

Live Aloha: Hawaiian Cultural Festival (Sept. 8) Sea Mar Fiestas Patrias/Latin American Independence Festivities (Sept. 14-15) The Italian Festival/Festa Italiana (Sept. 28-29)




NEW UPDATE (WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2024): Dangit, folks; looks like our Affiliate source has scrapped all their lovely banners, ads, and other Fascinating stuff! We're left with little but text LairLinks that we have to decorate on our own! Well, guess the banners just weren't paying for themselves. But we'll do the best we can to monetize Said source with our own free labor! Grumphh...


What I Hope To Accomplish Here

Here is a more detailed discussion of my musical and other creative goals for the rest of 2001 and beyond.


My Favorite Web Sites (a Partial Listing...)

Liam Clancy: Well, Liam's website, with the man himself now in Spirit, has unfortunately bit the dust. For now, we content ourselves with a Bing resource page in his honor.

Jason Webley: Independent Musician/Accordion Guy

NEW! Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan: Online Blog: The new Nusrat site we've been waiting for! GoddessKRING: Shannon Kringen's Website and ArtShrine: Caution! Delicious Adult Photographic
Artwork and other Audio/Visual Delights to be found Within! The Mother of all Multi-Religious discussion and news sites. Never a dull moment.

Starhawk: Regenerative Culture, Earth-based Spirituality, and Permaculture: Adventures, Projects and Writings of the Lair's Favorite Witch.

Makem Central: Tommy Makem and the Makem Brothers


The lovely Celtic circle at the top of this page (and the turquoise cross atop the Goals 2001 Page) comes to us courtesy of the Free Celtic Clipart Page at For the best in free Celtic clipart, do pay them a visit!

Likewise, the LairMistress has had great fun with the cool animated graphics provided free of charge by The Animation Factory--as you can see, I've got animated critters all over the Lair by now! At least one new animated critter is birthed on their site every day! Check them out at the LairLink above!


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