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Yes, Virginia, There Is A Religious Left...

A "Religious Left"? There's an Actual "Religious Left" in America (albeit Under the Radar, needless to say)...?!! Well, duh...

No Worries, friends; this PassionLair will be a heckuva lot Bigger before we're Done with it...


Home Lairs for Religious Refugees

University of Creation Spirituality
Techno Cosmic Mass Website
Beliefnet Home Page
The Interfaith Alliance (TIA) Homepage
Interfaith Council of Washington Homepage
Religious Society of Friends Homepage
World Council of Churches: English-Language Homepage
Ecunet Homepage
Sojourners Magazine: Online Homepage
Reclaiming Homepage
Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists (Palestinian Christian site)
Call to Renewal/People of Faith Overcoming Poverty

Religious LeftLairs: Where Faith and Social Gospel Aren't Divorced

Church Council of Greater Seattle
Western Washington Fellowship of Reconciliation
American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)
Christian Peacemaker Teams
Religious Organizing Against the Death Penalty
Intercommunity Peace and Justice Center
Fellowship of Reconciliation National Homepage
Jewish Peace Fellowship
Christian Peacemaker Teams
Muslim Peace Fellowship
Pax Christi USA
Buddhist Peace Fellowship
Interfaith Voices for Peace and Justice
Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America
Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns
Mennonite Central Committee Homepage
Every Church a Peace Church Website

For the Beauty of the Earth: FaithLairs for Environmental Justice

Fellowship of the Earth (FOTE)
Earth Ministry Website



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