Are We?
Who Are We? We are a Christ-centered, Independent, Unprogrammed, Non-creedal, Inclusive Fellowship, proclaiming that Jesus is the Savior of the World. We call ourselves "The Quaker All In Christ Network." The acronym is Q.A.I.C.N. , pronounced Quakin', so for simplicity we call ourselves Quakin Friends. Since Quakers generally hold that "Christ is in All", The "Quaker" All in Christ Network, believes both that "Christ is in All", and "All is in Christ". Some would call us a Christian Universalist Fellowship. When asked "Who was Jesus?", our reply is simply, " The Christ, the Son of the living God, and the Savior of the world." We seek contact and fellowship with other like-minded friends. If, like us, you believe that God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself, that he truly saves all humankind, and reconciles all things back to God, then we want to hear from you. Please email us. When asked if we are Universalist we answer in the affirmative. We believe that there is that of God in every man. Jesus is the light that lightens every person. Jesus is the life that is breathed into every person. He is the word and the seed that is planted into the hearts of people everywhere. That seed will grow, and every person made alive will fully manifest the life and glory of God. We don't look on the outward man, but we see Jesus, the image of God, in everyone. We want to know you, build the network, hold you in the Light, and remember you in prayer. We hope you will start your own meeting wherever you are. Please contact us .![]() ![]()
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