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About Timor Leste


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Pre-camp Stories : Full of Doubt
"It's miracle!" Jojo said
Long and Exhausting Journey,duh!
EXCITING! : Pigs! No Electricity! Bon Dia!
Two languages : Konglish and Body Language
Grateful Me
It's called : "I don't care meal"
About Giving From the heart
Hapara Violensia Agora!
The Witness of the past's violences
Damn! I'm in Love
Timorese loves to party and dance
Quite Time..zzZZzz..
Washing Kids' Hair day!
Why Goodbye?:Sad movie
Post Camp Story : Home Sick!


2002 ETYC Photo Album
WCF Indonesia's Mailing List
My Personal Site



Unbelievable That was the first and the only word I can say, when I heard that Yuni, the Project Director of WCF Program in Indonesia called me, to say "we go, Okke!" Oh my God… That was shocking, how wasn't it.. coz several time we almost decided to cancel our leaving. Everything went so wrong… we couldn't gather enough money to support the program, and then each of us had our own personal problem. Yuni and mirma had to face the final exam to get their degrees while; I had to deal with the deadline of my own assignments (arrgh! School sucks!). And then suddenly, our health condition decreased, Yuni got sick a few weeks before leaving, she had some kind of virus, that gave her a little fever and I don't know how, me who never had any problems with my health, have problem with my stomach. But's over ! We can handle everything… and till now, we believe that God's plans are always perfect and come in the perfect time… How can we finally go? We don't know, let's say God works in a mysterious way!

[Wrong motivation] I've been interested to this program since September 2001, when I heard Yuni's trip. And at that time I said to myself," I wish it was me who had the chance to go.." then, on December 2001, I had an opportunity to talk a lot with Yuni, she told everything about her trip. She even gave me bunch of photos and movie about the trip. Every documentation gave me a brief description about how Timor Leste's condition is, Geez.. it made me want to go there badly, why? I don't know, I just felt like I have a responsibility to share my happiness, my skills and everything I have with them… But, well.. some people don't really support me, they doubted and underestimated me, not only with words, but also with their mean you won't survive, spoilt girl - look…. That made me so mad, and change my motivation in to: a self-proof. Thanks God, I have such a wonderful parents who never give up to remind me. Mamski, Papski… I love you both so much! Then again, I think…. May be the stumbles we faced before our leaving were warnings from Him to me, to renew my motivations.

[Those rumors has grown million doubts in my heart]… Excited? Sure…. Afraid? Very much! And suddenly, after all things are prepared, I have million of doubts in my heart. Should I or shouldn't I go?Why? because every person I told this about always said, "you must be out of your mind!" or "Gila, loe ya? mo mati apa?" (Translation: Are you crazy? you wanna die or what?") even the last minute before I left, one discussion friend who loves politic so much warned me," Be careful, don't use Indonesian too much if you still want to come back in one piece!" (Hey! gue balik in one piece kan? pake ngasih oleh-oleh lagi!situ kebanyakan baca koran sih!)

And I don't know why, then 10 days before our leaving, more problems popped out… and suddenly I lost my mood to do everything, I locked myself in my room every single day, and I became very irritable. Thanks God, I have two beautiful friends, who always remind me to pray and ready to raise up my mood every time I need! Mirma and Marino.. Thanks, you both are wonderful! (Marino... where are YOU?)

[So ther3 we go!] With a very huge backpack and sleeping bag. We started our trip on 25th July 2001 from Bandung train station to Gubeng trainstation Surabaya. I left with other participants from Bandung, Yuni Setyaningrum, Mirma Amanda Cahyani, Cecilia (I'll tell about her in next article!) , and Boidapot Lumban Raja (the one and only male creature uhm, i mean participant , who come from Bandung). Funny thing is that, My backpack was so heavy, I almost couldn't lift it up, and everytime I tried to lift it up, I always said to myself ," You can do can do it, Okke! you're strong!..".. but, uhm I always felt back down. :D Anyway, Timor Leste, be prepared, coz There we go!

GUBRAK! *this is the sound expresion when I felt back down* :D