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Pre-camp Stories : Full of Doubt
"It's miracle!" Jojo said
Long and Exhausting Journey,duh!
EXCITING! : Pigs! No Electricity! Bon Dia!
Two languages : Konglish and Body Language
Grateful Me
It's called : "I don't care meal"
About Giving From the heart
Hapara Violensia Agora!
The Witness of the past's violences
Damn! I'm in Love
Timorese loves to party and dance
Quite Time..zzZZzz..
Washing Kids' Hair day!
Why Goodbye?:Sad movie
Post Camp Story : Home Sick!


2002 ETYC Photo Album
WCF Indonesia's Mailing List
My Personal Site





QUITE TIME...zzZZzz.. ^^

The time when we gathered together with sleepy face.....

One of our daily routinity is Quite Time, we called it QT (read: cuty)… it's a time where we talked to Him… in Indonesia, we call it : Saat Teduh. In Quite Time, we praise and worship Him by singing some songs, read bible (and some articles), meditation, share thoughts and pray… May be some of you will say, it's religious time, anyway, it's not all about being religious or not, because I feel it was also the time to know and to be close to each other.

We did the QT twice a day …first I felt twice a day is too much, I got used to read bible once in a day (uhm, sometime once in two or three days.. he he).. and once I thought "Geez… twice a day! it's the most religious thing I've ever done in my life…". ^^ uhm, and another confession …. Every night QT, sometime I almost felt asleep!!! (sorry! Oops!)

But, after I got here, in my hometown, I miss the QT! I miss the moments when we gathered together, with very sleepy face ( I saw some sleepy faces both in morning and night QT), singing together (eventough we almost sang the same songs day after day..) I miss the moment I have to show T sign with my hands (T sign means : Translate please!), when Sang Gag opa, Byeol, Thomas, Eric shared some stories in Korean language, and on the other hand, I love to see confuse faces of Byeol's, Thomas', Eric's, Br.Lee's, Sang Gag Opa's and Moo Yul opa' s , when I, Yuni or Frits spoke in Indonesian. ^^

Anyway, Kak Jay was always be the translator, he was our living Korean- Indonesian and Indonesia- Korean dictionary…. He was such a mediator for our communication in QT… one day, he felt asleep in the QT (sori, kak buka rahasia!), and that made each one of us watched each other and grinned…..( message to Kak Jay : Please don't sleep if we're in QT, because we need a translator.. haha ^^)

Anyway, about QT, this habit is continued when I got here in my hometown, (ehm, but once in a day only..but, that's an improvement! hehe) but I still miss the sharing time, when we can spoke out what we feel...

The sharing time made me know what's inside your minds and what are your dreams, or what you like and dislike.... I feel like we are the real family, and I really don't feel our differences....

Geez.. I miss that moment badly!