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About World Christian Frontier (WCF)
About Timor Leste


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Pre-camp Stories : Full of Doubt
"It's miracle!" Jojo said
Long and Exhausting Journey,duh!
EXCITING! : Pigs! No Electricity! Bon Dia!
Two languages : Konglish and Body Language
Grateful Me
It's called : "I don't care meal"
About Giving From the heart
Hapara Violensia Agora
The Witness of the past's violences
Damn! I'm in Love
Timorese loves to party and dance
Quite Time..zzZZzz..
Washing Kids' Hair day!
Why Goodbye?:Sad movie
Post Camp Story : Home Sick!


2002 ETYC Photo Album
WCF Indonesia's Mailing List
My Personal Site



Now, I'm already in my hometown, stuck in front of my computer and 'breathed' the internet connection (whoa! like i say, computer and internet connection are my other oxygen!hehe), working on this website. But still I miss Los Palos and all the things I've been thru in there

And My Los Palos family! I also miss you, guys! Feel like I want to turn back time, rewinded all great times we had together.

Well, I try to adapt to live my life in here, back to daily routinity, school, teaching, get a long with friends and family, face the traffic jam and pollution, accept the fact that I can not see dark sky with stars from here..... I'm homesick... weird, coz this place is my home town, but I miss Los Palos so much!

But anyway, Life goes on, we can not stuck in our wonderful memories, because it can make you stagnant.... And I believe we'll meet again someday, may be in next year's camp, may be somewhere else.. we'll meet again in His time, in His way, and at that moment we can create other wonderful time together again.

Uhm, please keep in touch, guys! Adios for now......