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Pre-camp Stories : Full of Doubt
"It's miracle!" Jojo said
Long and Exhausting Journey,duh!
EXCITING! : Pigs! No Electricity! Bon Dia!
Two languages : Konglish and Body Language
Grateful Me
It's called : "I don't care meal"
About Giving From the heart
Hapara Violensia Agora
The Witness of the past's violences
Damn! I'm in Love
Timorese loves to party and dance
Quite Time..zzZZzz..
Washing Kids' Hair day!
Why Goodbye?:Sad movie
Post Camp Story : Home Sick!


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Your Favorite Song during 2002 ETYC
which song during the camp is your favorite?

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Actually there are still so many songs I've learned and we sang, include Korean songs, but I left me notebook! so please, If you want to add some other songs, send me e mail.

[God will make a way] God will make a way, When there seems to be no way, He works in ways we can not see, He will make a way for me. He will be my guide, Hold me closely to His side, With love and strength for each new days, He will make a way.. He will make a way (Ria and I love this song so much!)

[My Peace I give unto you] My peace I give unto you It's a peace that the world cannot give It's a peace that the world cannot understand Peace to know, peace to live My peace I give unto you

[Thank You Jesus, for your love to me] Thank you, Jesus for your love to me Thank you, Jesus for your grace so free. I'll lift my voice to praise your name, Praise you again and again, You are everything, You are my Lord.

[Ubi caritas] Ubi Caritas, et amor, Ubi caritas deus Ibi est ( I think it Br.Lee's favorite, coz everytime he led the QT, we always sang this!)

[Bless the Lord] Bless the Lord,my soul and bless God's holy name, Bless the Lord my soul, who leads me in to life (I think it Br.Lee's second favorite song)

[Give Thanks] Give thanks with a grateful heart, Give thanks to the holy one, Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ His Son, Give thanks with a grateful heart, Give thanks to the holy one, Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ His Son, And now, Let the weak say I'm strong, Let the poor say I'm rich, Because of what the Lord has done for us, And now, Let the weak say I'm strong ,Let the poor say I'm rich ,Because of what the Lord has done for us, Give Thanks

[You are my hiding place] You are my hiding place, You always fill my heart with songs of deliverance ,Whenever I'm afraid I will trust in You (You are my) I will trust in You ,Let the weak say I am strong, in the strength of my God

[It's Good] *It's good to see you here with me, I'm so glad that you came, It's good to see you here with me, I'm so glad that you came, The Lord loves you, so do I The Lord loves you so do I. Back to *

[Jalan Serta Yesus] Jalan serta Yesus, Jalan sertaNya setiap hari Jalan serta Yesus, serta Yesus s'lamanya, Jalan dalam suka, jalan dalam duka Jalan sertaNya, setiap hari, Jalan serta Yesus, serta Yesus s'lamanya.

[Diak Kalae?] Diak Kalae Kristu Mak Hak Solok .Hotu hotu basa liman tutu Ba Ai. Tebe ain Los tebe ain karuk. Hadulas ba mai. Hodi Buka belu seluk.

[Jesus Hadomi Hau] Jesus Hadomi hau. Jesus hadomi O. Jesus hadomi ita hotu. Tuir Nia Lian Hakotuk.

[Jesus Loves me] Jesus loves me this I know, For the bible tells me so, Little one to Him belong, They are weak, but He is Strong, Yes Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me, Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so. (Ria's favorite)

[Di pintumu] Di pintu mu, Ku datang dan mengetok, tok, tok Di pintumu, Kudatang dan mengetok,tok,tok Jikalau kau mendengar, Jikalau kau mendengar, dan membuka, buka pintumu, Ku masuklah (Los Palos' kids sang it on the festival)

[Allah ku besar] Allahku besar, kuat dan perkasa. Tiada yang mustahil bagiNya, ha..ha .Gunung milikNya. Sungai milikNya .Bintang-bintang ciptaanNya,ha..ha. Allahku besar,kuat dan perkasa. Tiada yang mustahil bagiNya,ha..ha (Los Palos' kids sang it on the festival)

[Gloria] Gloria, gloria.. in excelsis deol, Gloria, gloria, aleluia, aleluia (Los Palos' kids also sang it on the festival)

[Bibi Atan Diak] 1. Nai Hau Nia dalan, hau dalan diak, Nai halo hau hela iha dut matan, Nia lori hau, ba dalan diak, atu hahino hananu nia naran.
reff: tamba hau nia Maromak, Bibi atan Diak, lau hau nafatin, iha dalan susan, lori hau ba bematan, haraik bit mai hau, hau cela hetan.Susan tamba hai bamutuk ho hau.
2.hau sei liu husi dalan nakukun,hau la tauk ita bot hamutuk hau,hau laran metin, balit nafatin tanba ita fohikas bit mai-hau (Los Palos' kids sang this on the festival)

[Bintang Kecil ^^] Bintang kecil, dilangit yang biru. Amat banyak, menghias angkasa. Aku ingin terbang dan menari, jauh tinggi Ke tempat kau berada… (Byeol's song!hehe)