Biodiversity In the Otay River Valley

By: Arlene Eliano, Laura Gracia, Greg Greak, Natalie Haines, Jessica Ley, & Hoang Pham

         Here are our LINKS:

* OverView

* PROCEDURE and problems

* Location of Study Site

* History of Study Site

                        *circa 1500
                        *circa 1820
                        *circa 1940

* Map of Study Site

                  (with links to plant data)

* Summary of Plant Data


* Interpretation of Plant Data

                * Graph Showing Distribution of Native/Non-Native Plants

                * Alphabetical List of Plants


                * Profiles of 6 Native Plants
                    * Sycamore                  * California Sage Brush
                    * Willow                      * California Buckwheat
                    * Chaparral Broom       * Bulrush 
                * Profiles of 6 Non-Native Plants
                    * Tamarisk                   * Pampas Grass
                    * Arrundo Cane            * Fennel
                    * Annual Grasses          * Chrysanthemum
                * Conclusion

                * Bibliography