Sweet Fennel


Foeniculum vulgare



Sweet Fennel is a stout, erect perenial, 3-6 feet tall with streaked, branching stems. The herbage is dark green and aromatic. The leaves are finely dissected into threadlike segments. Sweet Fennel is usually found in waste spots and on the sides of roads throughout the area. It is in bloom from May to September. Sweet Fennel was originally brought here for it's scent. It was used in cooking sauces or cooked as vegetable. Also, according to Spanish history, priests would place leaves of the plant on the church floors because when the plant was bruised it would release a sweet smell similar to licorice or anise.


Why Fennel is Undesirable:

Fennel is an invasive plant. It takes control of the good soil and much of the water supply. Also it is known for being able to consume all of the available land so that the native plants are unable to reproduce themselves, ultimately making native plants go extinct.