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EsTHeR's WeB PaGe!

Here's my sister's old dog Biscuit. She was the cutest dog in the world, but sadly, she passed away in September of 2000. She was viciously attacked by a Rottweiler, and unfortunately her 13 year old body couldn't recooperate. She will forever be remembered as the best dog of my life! But...There are pictures of my new pride and joy on the pets page (or at least there should be if I did it right!).

You have reached my webpages and I hope you enjoy them! They were originally created just to kill time, but then they turned into a fun, self-reflective activity. In case ya didn't know--I'm currently a teacher in Southeast Los Angeles. I teach special education, and even though there are moments that I am wondering why on earth I got into this profession, I truly do love it, and would not change jobs for the life of me. If you ever have the chance to help a student, either by answering their questions or giving them advice, you'd know how rewarding that type of job is. That's why I thank Teach For America sooooo much! They have given me this wonderful opportunity to create change in our very-flawed American educational system. There's a link to them below!

On a more personal level, I love all animals, even though living in LA is not exactly pet friendly (darn apartments). I like most kinds of music EXCEPT COUNTRY...yuck...yuck...and one more yuck. También, yo hablo español, pero no soy perfecta con el accento. I went to UCSD for my undergraduate work (class of '04), and I'm currently working on my masters at LMU. Los Angeles is better than most people think, and it's definitely better than my old small hometown! So, anyhow, I hope you enjoy these webpages as they are a glimpse into a different life than your own...

Anyways...if you're actually that interested (which I doubt) there's more personal information on page 2.

You can click on one of the links below to read more about friends, pets, hobbies, Crazy BIRD chicks, or teachers. If you don't find those interesting, I'm sorry. I guess I'm just not as fun as I thought...but hey, there's a link to my college's homepage! Enjoy...if you dare...

HorNED ToAds! (I just had to add that in there!)

OH YeaH aNd... TriToNs! (I really had to add that in there!) I think I'm a Lion now though :-)

If you have any questions or comments just sign my guestbook. I'll be sure to respond ASAP. Thanks for visiting and hope you enjoy it!!

ThEsE R a FeW Of My FaVoRiTe ThiNgS!!!

  • My Future...(Career)
  • My Dog - Allie the Brave hehehe :-)
  • All those peons out there in the world. (Get a Dictionary and Yes, I have a Humanitarian Side!)

So WhErE DO ya WaNNa Go FroM HeRe?

Wanna Know More About ME? (Pg. 2)
My Friend's and What ThEy'Re All AbOUT! (Pg. 3)
I KnOW U WaNNa HeaR AbOuT My PeTs! (Pg. 4)
Here's ALL ABouT the PlaYs I've BeeN iN! (Pg. 5)
CrAzY PictureS R RighT HerE! (Pg. 6)
A TRIBUTE to MRS. DeaN! (Pg. 7)
My Creations-Dabbling Anger Through Writing (Pg. 8)
Another Joke Gone WRONG- (Pg. 9)
A Promise to My Late Mother... (Pg. 10)
Tell me What You Think...just sign the Damn guestbook!
View My CraZy GueSTBooK
My ConSERvatiVE, but TighT to DEF CoLLeGe (TRITONS!)
Teach For America, The Organization That Has Given MORE Purpose to My Life
Hey, LMU's helping me get a Master's...Gotta Respect!