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My FRieNDs!

These Are My Wild Friends...
The Following is a Little About All the Wonderful People I Have Met In My Life...
Come on just scroll down and read about 'em!

My Friends are CRAZY!!!

My old friend from high school's pretty cool...Tippe, She's a Wakko, I mean a Wacko. (Gosh sometimes I can't spell right!) Anyways, she's a Latter-Day-Saint, but she isn't a psycho-religious-freak either! She's can do everything: soccer, volleyball, swimming, make you laugh, sing funny songs, tell good jokes, act, and pull wild pranks on people. (Including Crazy Vinegar Tricks!) She's real smart too, even though she's in denial. She recently became a mother to a beautiful and spunky baby boy. Congrats to her husband, Jeremy, and her! Oh yeah and before I forget, let me tell ya'll about her old crazy dog named Zeke that attacked me and has bitten the following areas of my body: forehead, right and left cheek, nose, lips, both arms & hands, both legs, booty, and he's tried to rip my clothing on multiple occasions! That's about all about Tippe and the deranged ZEKE!

That brings me to Sarah. She's my wild college friend. She graduated from UC Santa Cruz, and is definitely going places in her life. She also recently got engaged. More congrats to her and Nick...he's a cool guy! She's incredibly funny and has a bunch of wild stories about smelly people at UCSC. I wish she wouldn't have graduated a year earlier, but she was dying to get out of Coalinga. Sarah's a great person and if you don't know her you need to visit her sight. Sarah's done a lot of activities including tennis, CSF, AP club, eating plants club, and candle-wax lovers anonymous. I feel bad cause I got her kicked out of one of her live-in babysitter's house, but she didn't have to give me the peach schnopps! But to all you minors...don't follow in my footsteps! Visit her sight to learn more!

When I went to UCSD I was freakin' OUT! I thought I was going to get some horrible roommate who stayed up at all hours, doing her nails, listening to crappy music, and probably snored in her sleep. Luckily, I got LIZZIE from the LA area!!! hehehhe She's this crazy white girl. And when I say WHITE, I mean WHITE. But she's cool 'cause she's from LA! Well, La Crescenta, but hey it's close enough. She's a raver/brainiac!!! I don't know how she's sooo smart but I'm wondering what her parents fed her when she was younger because she's smarter than like three of me's in one! She was a totally cool roommate during my first year at UCSD in the dorms and in Mira Mesa where we had an apartment together for a year. So anywho, Lizzie rocks.

Then there's Holly. She's also white. Yes, I know, that's already one strike against her, but ya know what else? j/k She's smarter than me too. DUDE!!! This girl has more brains than in one finger than all of Cal Poly. Yeah, I know that doesn't sound like a lot, but I guess Cal Poly does have SOME smart students there. (Can I help it if they were the only college to reject me...? Six out of Seven isn't bad though huh? :-)) Anyhow, she's been totally supportive and always there for me whenever I just needed somebody to chat with. We have soooo many memories at the grand ol' revelle green cafeteria tables outside!!! I can't go into detail about them, but they involved many a cries, many a cigs, and many a laughs...She's the greatest. I hope our friendship only grows and grows because she's an awesome person.

And, of course, here in Los Angeles, I would not have survived if it weren't for a bunch of great Teach For America people. For example, David "psycho" C. He's like Mel Gibson from Conspiracy Theory but that's why he's so cool, because at least his conspiracies he can prove. And, he carpools with Rachel. Wow, Rachel listened to many-a-problems. I can't thank her enough. Jeremy, is the coolest roommate. Plus, he's a hottie (and coming from me that means a lot!) He and I have probably drank too much together, but at least we enjoyed ourselves. We have even had fun when we were surrounded by personality-less LA models at gay bars. It was cool. There's more, but unfortunatley not enough time to write about all of them!

I have a ton of other friends, including ROMYL, Allyson, Lisa, Gee Young, and Rick but I don't have enough time or space to write about ALL of them!

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