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The MrS. DeaN ROCKS PaGe!!!

The BEST things About MRS. DEAN!!!

Mrs. Dean is the greatest! She used to be a counselor at Coalinga High but now she works I believe in Dinuba. How lucky they are!

Mrs. Dean is really funny because she'll always laugh at your jokes even if they're a little dumb or a little mean!

For Example, one day I walked into her office and decided I was going to pull a little joke on her. I sat down, and got into the acting mood! heheheh I acted sort of sad, putting my hands on my face, and basically fidgeting. Then I said "Well Mrs. Dean, my hormones have been kicking in lately and...I sort of did something that you aren't supposed to do until you get married..." By now Mrs. Dean's eyes were getting big and her jaw was dropping. hehehehe Then I said "...And I'm sort of late...if you know what I mean."

I got her good. She thought I was pregnant! HA! Little ol' me Esther pregnant! NEVER! She looked at me with her big ol' eyes and then looked at her computer and then a few seconds later when she looked back at me, I couldn't hold in it. I cracked. I smiled!! She knew what was going on then. hahahaha Even though I only had her going for a few seconds, it was great!

Even Mrs. Madrid didn't think she'd go for it, but SHE DID!! I know it wasn't the nicest of jokes but first of all, If Esther ever tells you she's pregnant she's pretty much jokin' because there isn't any way that Esther's gonna get pregnant before she's married. Okay??? Now that that's settled...KEEP ON ROCKIN' MRS. DEAN!!! SHE'S THE GREATEST!!!

Where TO go from HERE??

MY home page!
More AbouT ME?? (boring stuff!) PG. 2
MORE about MY GreaT FriEnDS!! PG. 3
Mis Animales!!! PG. 4
Plays, Acting, AND haVINg Fun!!! PG. 5
Here's SOME Weeeeeird PictuRES! PG. 6
The Serious Writing Page
Here's a story About a Girl Named Ambert!
A Promise to My Late Mother...
Are YOU gonna SIGN my GueSTBooK yeT??