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Wanna Know More About ME?

Okay! Well you asked for it! You want to know more about me. Me? Little Ol' me? Well...alright here it is:

I'm in my 20s. Damn, I'm getting old. Oh well, I guess that's life. I'll be the big two-four on July 4th. That's right, I'm an Independence Day Baby! I graduated from Coalinga High, in sunny ol' California in 1999. I was Saluditorian of my class with a 3.94 GPA. There were three valedictorians, and even though I only missed it by .06 of a point, it was still awesome. At CHS, the good ol' days, I participated in tennis for three years, and I took softball stats for two years. As for clubs, I was in Drama for four years (I Loved to ACT!), CSF for four years, AP for two, and BSU for one. I also had a part-time job at this place called Video Zone (that recently went out of business because of Coalinga bureaucracy...that's a long story) for two years, but I quit that job quickly (2 years isn't long to me!) because I finally had enough of rude Coalinga people demanding their freakin' New Releases! Get a life! I know Coalinga was small and all, but sheez, it's not my fault you didn't realize that such and such movie was going to be all gone by the time you walked in right before closing! Can you tell I was just a little bit angry there?

I like basically all kinds of music EXCEPT country. It's annoying to me and it reminds me of that hick-town that I was raised in. Well, I guess Coalinga isn't that bad, but when you've lived there for 12 years, it starts to get on your nerves. It's definitely one of those towns where "everybody knows your name."

I lived with my sister (it's a long story!). My mother passed away and to find out more go to her page. My father lives somewhere in Kern County. I have two half sisters, and I even have a half brother. My family isn't the most exciting of families but they're a pretty lovin' crew.

Then I went to college for my BA in psychology at UCSD. Ah, sunny San Diego, so nice. But of course, there was a dark period there. I found out so much about myself, that sometimes it scares me, but, hey, ya live, ya learn! I lived in the dorms for one year, and one year in an apartment in Mira Mesa (real close to UCSD).

I had a brief stint in Oceanside, CA, Where I commuted to school. I definitely loved North County of San Diego more than any other area. I also lived in Escondido for about six months, and worked as a Child Care Worker at a teenage boys SED group home. It was intense and that's about all I can say about that at the moment.

Then, I got accepted to awesome Teach For America. Check their link out, because there's so much that I cannot say in a little time about them. Through their help, I am now a teacher at Nimitz Middle School in Southeast LA. I had a self contained special education SDC class. This means, for those that don't fully know teacher lingo, I had the same kids all day, all subjects, English, math, science, and history. SDC means that they have specific learning disabilities, but they are not the stereotypical type of Special education students. In other words, they don't drool, and you cannot tell that they have any learning disabilities. While special education has proved to be extremely challenging, I'm realizing that I could not do anythign else in my life right now. Meaning, I am happy with what I do, and would not change it. I'm usually pretty busy during school because I also go to LMU. I suppose, that's all I can say right now. I'm just trying to enjoy LA, with all that it has to offer, which is a lot!

Anyways, that's just a chunk of info right there...don't worry I'll add photos of some cool stuff real soon!

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How ABouT My PeTs' PaGe!
Plays, Plays, Drama, and more Plays...
Here's the PICS!!!
MRS. Dean's Page OF GreatNESS!
My Opinions & A weird Story Too!
A Promise to My Late Mother...
TakE A PeeK At WhOsE BeeN HeRe!
ComE ON, Just Sign My GuEsTbOOk Already!