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CrAzY PiCs!

Here's old Biscuit!

This is Allie and Wrinkles! Allie is the German Shepherd and Wrinkles is the boxer. This was taken when Wrinkles was four months old and Allie was about five years old (hence the white around her snout!)

ThIS is WacKY TippE TayLoR!!! (SHe's the one that's good at sports, including orange-throwing!)

This is Biscuit (the black/grey one) and Snapple (the brown one). As you can tell I'm not into pictures...! (Especially when I'm sleepy! :-))

This is Foxy. She's cool but she's WAY More Psychotic than this innocent picture makes her look

Guess Who ThEsE FuNKy PeoPLe ArE?

This is tippe and her sister Tylyn! They're funny...They always call each other "Jerk" and "Stupid." I tell them to stop but then they just roll their eyes...sheez...

This is another one of biscuit, this was taken WAY BACK when my sister graduated (1989!). hahahah!

Hey If You ScRoLL DoWn, TheRe's A PIC of ME!!! (Way DOWN there!)

Here's my Psycho College Friend!

This is Sarah with her friend Mike at College, (Don't ask me why he's dressed as an evil clown, but that's what they do at Santa Cruz...hahah...Just kiddin')

This is Tippe and I. (I'm the psycho hose beast in the black...hahahahah)

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(I told you I like to Make things difficult!)