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The Lights Of My LIFE!

Pets that I have BeeN LuCKy to OwN...

Here's some more Info about My pets:

Allie, is the saddest story. I had to give away when I moved to LA, but I know she's living in a bigger backyard with great parents (owners), so I should be happy. She was a large German Shepherd, and originally adopted from the Humane Society. She was pretty well trained. She was super-obedient and scary as heck under the right conditions of course. Everybody was scared of her, but she was so loveable I don't understand where everyone's fear comes from. Maybe it's the had to see her to understand that comment.

Foxy was actually not mine, but I still care for her so much that she should be recognized. She was soooo dang hyperactive. She would jump like she had springs in her feet. She was a whiny super-small dog, but hey, we gotta have variety ya know!

Wrinkles was also my roommate's (at the time). She was smart, cute, vivacioius, and interesting all in one! I trained her some tricks, but those boxers just aren't the most calm dogs in the world.

And this brings us to Max. Max the Rat. Max the Rat. That's what I called him. Even though his name is just Max, I liked to call him "Max The RAT!" I became allergic to Max, so unfortunately we couldn't bond as much as I would have liked to. He was cool, bust sadly, passed away. Rats have such short life spans, ya know!

Biscuit was 13 when she passed away. She was the smartest of our pets. She knew many tricks, although she was a brat, but a great dog at the same time. She would always come up to you and stare at you until you pet her. She loves to lick, but I never recommended getting licked by her, because her breathe STaNK! Plus, she was really old so she didn't have that many teeth left. She had two litters of puppies, but she only had two in each liter, and they were all given away because they were so cute! My sister named her Biscuit because she was working at a Kentucky Fried Chicken in Sanger, CA when she saw Biscuit wandering around. She took her home and told everybody that she would look for the owners and give the dog back, but my sister had other plans in mind. She never really looked for the owners, and Biscuit found a lifetime owner in my sister. She's buried up in Los Gatos Park near Coalinga. RIP Biscuit, we love you.

And once upon a time there was a dog name Snapple. Or Napples as I sometimes called her. Snapple is the weirdest little dog you could ever see. She about 9 now and she's a runt mutt dog. In fact, her front legs are shorter than her back legs, so, she actually looks like a LOWRIDER car. Also, another interesting tidbit about Snapple is that on her back legs she has five toes on one foot, but on the other there's only four! Weird! She doesn't really do any tricks, she's just a lazy dog, but she has her cute moments. She howls a lot, whenever rap music is on the radio she starts howling, and she hates car rides! Biscuit loved them, but Snapple gets all sick and frustrated when she's in the car. Anyways, Snapple is a genuine PIG at heart. She eats so fast that she chokes we have to give her food in portions! Snapple now resides with my sister, and I miss her, but she's got a great owner now.

Rudolph is the loner of the group. He's like 8 years old too, of course he doesn't do any tricks, and all he does is swim around his 20 gallon tank. Don't ask me why my sister has a 20 gallon tank for one goldfish, but she does. He has a red dot on his upper lip so that's why we named him Rudolph. He has a lot of fake plants in his tank, and a cute little sign that says "King Of The Sea." Rudolph truly is the "King Of The Sea" because he's been all alone in his tank for the past four years. We don't get any complaints from him though, so we assume he's happy! Although, the poor guy seems to be blind as a bat. His eyes are really cloudy looking and he bumps into everything, but he still miraculously finds food!

Well folks, that's all about my pets. Hope you found it just a little interesting. If you have any questions, e-mail me at!

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Wanna Know More About ME? (Page 2)
My Friend's and What ThEy'Re All AbOUT! (Page 3)
Hear AbOUt ThE plaYS I'VE been IN? (Page 5)
HeRe R 'Da PiCS!! (Page 6)
Why IS Mrs. DeaN cooL?? (Page 7)
Serious Writing Stuff...mainly CRAP! (Page 8)
Getting Lost in California Is NOT GOOD!
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