A Brown Eyed Handsome Man

I wrote it a while ago, but it’s still worth reading! Check out Unlucky 7 … my review of Buffy’s final season, and why I wasn’t sorry to see the Slayer go.

Sunday, Nov 23 2003 (Annie’s 41st birthday!), very goddam early


My legs ache. My hands are stiff and covered with tiny cuts. My feet hurt and I’m getting a rash on the right one, and blisters.


Would someone PLEASE deposit a large amount of money to my PayPal account so I can get Paul to let me quit?

Okay, that isn’t going to happen, so let’s do this:

From: "Bob Brodsky"
To: docnebula01
Subject: Hi Darren-
Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2003 23:37:20 -0500

Hi Darren-

I'm Bob Brodsky, the editor of the Denny O'Neil/comic book writer-inspired fanzine THE O'NEIL OBSERVER, and the author of articles appearing in mags like COMIC BOOK MARKETPLACE and THE KIRBY COLLECTOR over the past seven years.

I'm A 44-year old "lapsed" comic fan who returned to the fold in 1996 and promptly decided that, since I'd never again own the collection I sold in 1974 to buy a $200 stereo at Montgomery Wards, I'd best try to satisfy my regained (and dangerously primal) comic-lust in other ways. Consequently, the good graces of Mark Evanier led me to interviews with old heroes like Englehart, O'Neil, Skeates, and Lee--I like the writers!

I am in the early stages of putting together THE YANCY STREET GAZETTE, a fanzine dedicated to the Marvel Age of Comics. Like you, I'm a hugh fan of Mr. Englehart's, and this past Tuesday I asked for, and received (!), Steve's blessing to devote most of YSG #1 to the Stainless One and his work.

While searching the web for Englehart-related material, I came across your magnificent piece on Steve. Bravo, Mr. Madigan, I can not put it down (and boy do my arms ache)! (By the way, Jeff Clem contributed to O'NEIL OBSERVER #3.)

In hot persuit of more-Madigan, I discovered your equally brilliant--and quite painfull to write, I'm sure--piece on Mr. Busiek, and a slew of other stuff.

I'd love to work with you on the Marvel fanzine in any capacity you'd like to consider. Could I call you/you call me to discuss . . . ?

I live in West Hartford, CT and my telephone numbers are: (Home) ***-***-8*6* (Work) 800-**** or ***-***-***

Or I'd be glad to call you . . .
Thank you for your engrossing, and very entertaining, work.

Best- Bob Brodsky

Okay, nothing wrong THERE. So then I said:

From: "docnebula01"
Date: Sat, 22 Nov 2003 05:56:50 GMT
To: Bob Brodsky
Subject: Hi, Bob

Dear Bob,

On your offer, I'm very flattered. My first question, and it's one that has alienated many many would be collaborators before, is, is there any money in this?

I ask because at the moment, I'm up to my eyebrows in getting stuff ready as I work with PublishAmerica to get my first SF novel published. They want a mailing list of personal contacts to help market the book, I have to file for copyright, I'd like to contribute a possible cover design, I have to go over the ms one more time and weed out typos and do dedications and acknowledgements... all of this before January 1, but, honestly, I'd like to get it done ASAP, because, well, the sooner I get my act together, the sooner the book gets published.

Um, I also ask because I really LIKE money.

I'm not saying I won't collaborate for nothing, I just want to ask so I can prioritize stuff. Now, having asked, I have a lot of work out there, including my Martian Vision stuff at http://www.javapadawan.com/calliope/martian-vision.h tml and a weblog I update fairly often at www.angelfire.com/blog/abehm, and even if there's no money in it, I'm certainly happy to have other people give my work a wider audience. I'm also happy to work with other people, although I don't often get the chance, since I'm frankly a very obnoxious person (and you can ask Kurt Busiek if you don't believe me, or just read my blog; it's pretty forthright).

My only deal is, and I think this should go without saying but I'll say it anyway, if a collaborator is making money off my work, I want to be making money, too. Which is why I front loaded with the question that has, just recently, gotten me fired in jig time from Speedmonkey.com, and which drove Steve Jackson of Steve Jackson Games into an irate phone tirade at me, lo these many years agone.

If you'd like to use the Englehart article, and/or excerpts from it, I have no objection, but since I've given co-credit to both Steve E. and Jeff Clem, you may want to check with them, too... well, I guess you have Steve E'.s blessing already.

Oh, and fair warning... not a Denny O'Neil fan. Watched him screw over too many of Kurt's scripts on POWER MAN/IRON FIST, and honest to GOD I just can't reread any of that 'relevant' stuff from the 70s on GL/GA with a straight face. I do like "The Joker's Five Way Revenge", though...

Thanks again for your kind note.


And then HE said:


YSG will probably loose me a ton of money (well a ton for me, anyway), and I've never paid a contributor before-- beyond multiple-free copies of the mag in question--but you are just the guy** I've been looking for regarding doing a regular "Marvel Age of Comics"-based column and perhaps an article or three along the way. So let me know what you think is fair and I will respond.


Well, you can’t get more fair than that. Although I’m wondering why I’m a guy with two asterisks after my name. Is that like ‘guy, with an explanation’? I can’t argue with that, really. But still…

Leaving that aside, though, I had THIS to say to Bob:


A serious offer requires a serious answer. Unfortunately, with me, a serious answer means a long answer. And hear I was thinking I'd go to bed early tonight...

First, if I've seemed brusque or lacking in cordiality in previous exchanges, I regret it. I just started a thrilling job as dishwasher at the local Village Inn. I work nights, and for some reason, despite the fact that the job is physically exhausting, I have trouble sleeping on work nights. I keep going to bed relatively early and trying, though, which wastes a lot of time and makes me aggravated.

Second, right now is a spectacularly bad time for me to get involved in another project. The reason is, my first novel has been accepted for publication by a Publish On Demand publisher, and they put a lot of the workload on the author. I have a lot of stuff I need to get done, and only two days off a week to do it in. I'm budgeting my next two days off (this Monday and Tuesday) for getting my ms. in shape for final submission and doing a rough mock up of a cover design. I also have to do laundry (my job makes it an absolute necessity, my work clothes STINK), at some point shop for Thanksgiving dinner for me and my brother, and, if I'm lucky and get a check I'm expecting for some of my porn, do some banking as well.

The novel will be an ongoing project for I Don't Know How Long; I've never done this before and have little idea exactly what hoops this publisher is going to make me jump through. I have to have faith that the novel is going to sell very well and I'll make a lot of money and then other more 'normal' publishers will want to work with me (ones that pay actual advances, instead of hypothetical royalties sometime months or years in the future), but I want to get to that 'eventually' ASAP, which means, every time these guys put a hurdle in front of me, I want to jump it fast fast fast. So the novel is my first priority right now.

Besides the novel, as noted briefly in passing above, I write porn. It doesn't pay much, but it does pay a little every three months or so, so that's kind of my second priority. Except it isn't; I also have a weblog which is, I suppose, my second priority, although I don't get paid anything for it except attention.

Now, having said all that, let me also say this: I'm extremely flattered by your kind words, and your willingness to pay me for my work commands my attention and my respect. However, I urge you at this point to look at more of my work before we proceed further. I suggest strongly you look at http://www.ja vapadawan.com/calliope/mv44.html and http://www.javapadawan.com/calliope/mv45.ht ml . These are hysterically funny articles and you'll like them; they're also rife with factual errors. This is much more typical of me.

You've read, apparently, the Englehart piece, which is without a doubt the best article I've ever written from a scholarly standpoint, but it's because of Jeff Clem and Steve E.'s contributions. And then there's the Kurt piece, which, well, is all out of my own head and requires no research.

However, normally I write by the seat of my pants, purely for fun, and my articles are rife with factual errors. During the brief period Martian Vision was being published by CBEM, people used to make a hobby out of writing in and correcting my factual errors. And it's not simply that I don't want to do research, although I'm lazy and as long as I was simply writing for my own amusement, well, I just wasn't going to make any more effort than I felt like at any given moment regardless of who screamed at me for it. (And many did.) It's also that the larger part of my comics collection is in storage somewhere up North (if Allah is kind; if not, it's in a landfill somewhere)and that's pretty much ALL my Silver Age stuff, other than the small (but vastly appreciated) pile of invaluable and wonderful stuff Jeff Clem and Steve E. sent me for the article, and some reprints I've picked up over the past half dozen years since moving to Florida.

Now, having said all that, if you still want to pay me to write for you, well, as I said, such an answer commands my attention and my respect. You've asked me to tell you how much it's worth to me, and, without knowing how often you want to publish my work, what you want me to write about, or what length you want to limit me to (my editors always want me to be briefer, briefer, briefer!... if you look at my Martian Vision articles, you'll see that they're mostly VERY long), let me say that I've run the numbers from two different angles... being paid by the hour, and being paid by the word.

Per word, well, I'd like to make ten cents a word. For a 2500 word article, that would be $250. Oddly, an article of that length would probably, on average, take me about ten hours to create from start to finish, and I'd like to make $25 an hour, so, again, we arrive at $250. I'm not saying that's my final word, but, hey, $250 seems like a nice round number and that's what I came up with two different ways.

Now, let me add that I feel guilty even asking for money since obviously this is a labor of love for you and you anticipate LOSING money on it. So let me say this... if you simply want to use the stuff I've previously written, available on my own websites and at the Martian Vision page I've previously given you a link to, well, a wider audience is always wonderful and some of the articles are VERY long; they might syndicate very well. It would be nice to get paid for them, but if I'm not required to spend any more time on anything right now and it's all work that's already been done, well, as long as ownership and copyright stay with me, I don't mind helping you out with some of that stuff. Mind you, like all writers, I HATE being edited (nobody rewrites my stuff as well as I wrote it the first time) so if I'm not being paid and you start chopping up my ridiculously long meandering run on sentences into shorter, terser ones, well, our relationship may come to an abrupt end. (I had a short lived column on comics in a local Tampa magazine; I wasn't getting paid for it, of course, and the editor had no discernible sense of humor and didn't write as well as I do and kept screwing up my prose and messing with all my jokes, and he didn't kiss my ass anywhere NEAR enough for someone who was getting my work without paying me for it, so I stopped writing for him.)

Now, bear in mind, I've always been of the mindset that if someone is PAYING me for my writing, well, it's on ME to be professional, and on the rare occasions it has happened, I have been. It's just that when I'm providing someone with my writing for nothing, and they're still treating me like a field hand, well, I can get treated like that for a lot less work simply by asking nearly any attractive woman out. I don't need to spend hours at the computer.

All right. To recap: I don't know exactly how often you want me to write, how much, or on what subject. If you want new stuff I have to actually sit down and budget time and energy into, my ballpark figure is ten cents per word, $25 an hour, $250 per 2500 word article. If you want to use stuff I've already written, we can certainly talk about that for nothing but you'll have to be nice to me and to my work (and copies of the 'zine would be appreciated). And before you decide on any of this, I urge you to read more of my stuff; so far, you've only read the very BEST and most professional of it.

Sorry for the long ramble; I hope I haven't offended you overly.


And that’s where it is right now.

See, for the last… um… six months, anyway… since the middle of april… eight months, rather… I’ve had very little to do. Oodles of free time. Plenty o’boredom. A note offering me a project like this would have been very welcome.

Suddenly, I have a job, and… POW! Someone wants to publish my book, which means I have to do all kinds of shit and have no time, and now someone else wants me to do a column on Silver Age comics, and… jesus!

It’s a good thing attractive women loathe me. If I had a girlfriend right now I’d really be going nuts.

I’ve watched the Director’s Version of Wrath of Khan. Nicholas Meyers really didn’t add a whole lot to it… a few lines of dialogue here and there. It’s better, but not markedly so, and a spirited tirade by young Peter Preston in which he says Admiral Kirk is as blind as a Tyrelian bat had me groaning. Kirk’s response… “Why, Ensign… you’re a tiger!”… made me wonder if Kirk was about to ask Preston out on a date, or just order the lad to report to the Admiral’s quarters. Hmph. A bisexual Kirk for the late 23rd Century… now that would be a Director’s Cut worth watching.

I’m currently about halfway through Meyers’ commentary track. Meyers seems like an interesting person. He doesn’t dish much at all, and is obviously exercising great care not to say anything that might piss off Paramount, or any of the actors, all that much. So he doesn’t come out and say “Bill Shatner is a huge pain in the ass”, but he does mention on a couple of occasions that to get Shatner’s best work (which clearly he did get in this movie; Shatner has never ever come close to being this good anywhere else) he evolved the technique of making Shatner do a scene over and over again until Shatner got bored and stopped ‘acting’ and simply delivered the dialogue. Meyer also says that Montelban’s original reading on Khan was wildly megalomaniacal and over the top, and he directed him to reign it in so he’d be more menacing, and Montelban responded to that very eagerly. In another spot, Meyer notes that Gene Hackman once told him that the best acting takes place in small spaces, so, overall, Meyer seems to very much try to take a naturalistic, minimalist approach to his work… which probably has a great deal to do with why Star Trek II is the only moment in the entire monstrously voluminous Star Trek canon where that particular fictional continuum, and the characters that populate it, seem at all three dimensional and credible to me. Under other writers and directors, the Trek universe is often exciting and occasionally even interesting, but this movie is the only place I’ve ever found it to be even remotely believable.

Meyer says a lot of other interesting stuff on the commentary track. It turns out he isn’t a huge Star Trek fan; he wasn’t particularly interested in the franchise prior to getting the assignment and he’s not overly enamored of it now. This, again, is probably why his work on this movie is so successful; a Trek zealot could never have brought themselves to treat this world with such good humor, nor could an ST fanatic have ever managed to treat the characters as less than godlike icons.

All of this is on Disk 1 of the two disk set Scott loaned me. I doubt I’ll check out the second disk, although there is an interview with Meyer, and one with Harve Bennett, the producer, that might be interesting. I couldn’t care less what Shatner, Nimoy, and Kelly have to say about the movie, though.

Let me say two things, and then I’m out of here for the night, and probably for a few days at least:

Star Trek III sucked.

I mean, profoundly. And one of the reasons it sucked, if not THE reason it sucked, was that the entire purpose of III seemed to be undoing every cool thing established as part of Star Trek canon in II. The original crew are aging gracefully and ready to be replaced by a new generation of Starfleet officers and adventurers? Fuck that, dump ‘em. The Enterprise is so obsolete they’re using it as a training vessel? Well, blow it up so we can give them a new one a movie later. Kirk has an adult son? Oh, no, that makes him too old and undermines his galactic gigolo status… kill the bastard. There’s a new Vulcan character and she’s young and hot? Well, recast her homely and then dump her.

Worst of all… Spock is dead? In what is probably the greatest heroic sacrifice scene in the history of heroic fantasy? Oh, no, can’t have that, let’s undo it.

I cannot tell you… there are literally no words in the English language adequate to the task… how much I loathe Star Trek III.

And the second thing is that I find it very hard to believe that Paramount didn’t put the original Khan episode (“Space Seed”) onto this two disc set somewhere. I mean, you’d think that would be a pretty obvious move, wouldn’t you? The two disc Unforgiven set Scott loaned me has an episode of Maverick on it, for Christ’s sake.

Okay, I’m a tired Darren. I say bye bye.


In one of his many invaluable essays on life in Hollywood, Mark Evanier described his first meeting with legendary TV comic and icon Milton Berle. Upon being introduced to Uncle Miltie and shaking hands with him, Mark, who is a pretty witty guy, blurted out without even thinking about it, “Wow, I didn’t recognize you in men’s clothing”. According to Mark, this soured Uncle Miltie on him from that point forward, because Mark had broken Rule Number One When Hanging With Milton Berle, namely, Never Be Funnier Than Milton Berle.

I’m reminded of that anecdote now.

Recent experiences at Electrolite being pretty much entirely similar if not completely identical to my previous experiences at Uppity-Negro.com and TampaTantrum.com, I thought I’d take the time to extrapolate whatever wisdom there is to find in the whole mess. Here’s The Deal, as far as I can see:

If you want to make friends and influence people when you head out onto the blogging trail, at least, as regards your posting comments on other people’s blogs, you MUST NOT:

(a) seem smarter than the person writing the blog you are posting comments to

(b) be funnier than the person writing the blog you are posting comments to

(c) be a better writer than the person writing the blog you are posting comments to

(d) be correct when you point out some manner in which the person writing the blog you are posting comments to was wrong, and/or

(e) Upset The Wimmenfolk On The Blog.

Rule E comes mostly out of my experiences with Aaron Hawkin’s Uppity-Negro blog. He gets a lot of female posters and like any of us male geeks would be in that admirable position, he is thoroughly whipped by them. If a new reader comes along and does anything whatsoever to offend the babes on Aaron’s blog, that new reader can expect a cold shoulder from Aaron roughly the size of the Greenland glacier. I don’t really blame Aaron for this; for a male geek, positive female attention is a jewel beyond price, and if I ever had any women posting to my blog who weren’t related to me by marriage, I’d most likely dance and sing like a puppet on a string when they cracked the lash, too.

I should add to this that I’ve learned, from Electrolite, that one Must Not Be Whimsical, Oblique, or Overly Geeky When Posting To A Big Important Political Marketplace of Ideas Type Blog, because those guys just have no time for Theodore Marley Brooks or Cornelus van Lunt references, regardless of how amusing or entertaining you and some others may find them.

Now, I am posting this to point out that while these may be the universal Rules of the Road on other blogs (and as far as I can see, they are, indeed, pretty much universal) you can ignore them here. I don’t care if you:

(a) seem smarter than I am, I like people who are smarter than I am, as long as they’re not jerks about it;

(b) are funnier than I am, then I get to laugh at your witty remarks, and hey, that’s all good;

(c) are a better writer than I am. Although I’m in a peculiar place as regards writing skills; good enough to be better than nearly all the amateurs out there, not good or lucky enough to be a professional at it. So if you are a better writer than I am, you are probably a professional writer and therefore do not have time to post comments on other people’s blogs, so this probably doesn’t matter, as relates to this blog;

(d) correct my mistakes; unlike apparently 95% of the remainder of the human race, I am under no illusions as to my own infallibility and simply don’t care if someone points out that I am wrong about something. Being wrong about things does not strike me as either a character flaw or a shameful embarrassment; we are all wrong about a lot of things every day of our lives, and that’s just how that works;

(e) Upset My Wimmenfolk. Well, actually, I shouldn’t say I don’t care if you upset my wimmenfolk, I do, the very thought deeply offends me. However, it’s just that the wimmenfolk at this point on this blog are my mom, my cuz in law, and my sister in law, and if you do something to upset them, I strongly doubt the authorities finding what’s left of you will be able to identify you without a DNA comparison. My mom, and any woman who marries any of the males in this family and stays married to him for any length of time, are perfectly capable of taking care of themselves. So offend them all you want; it’s a self correcting problem.

Oh, and I like geeky references and would just adore whimsical, cleverly elliptical posts to my comment threads, although I suspect I’d get annoyed if someone started posting a whole lot of Harry Potter-speak here, just for one example.

If there is a universal rule on this blog, it is quite simply, Do Not Be A Bigger Asshole Than The Blogger. In fact, if you can avoid it (and most of my small number of regular posters avoid it with style and panache) Don’t Be An Asshole At All. I am quite a big enough asshole myself to supply all the assholiness necessary for any blog, and I will continue to keep this blog well furnished with stupid remarks, doltish mistakes, whiney rationalizations, and defensive recriminations by the ton lot, there can be no doubt. You need bring none of your own asshole nature with you, I have plenty and am always willing to share.


By generally accepted social standards, I'm not a likable guy. I'm not saying that to get cheap reassurances. It's simply the truth. I regard many social conventions in radically different ways than most people do, I have many many controversial opinions, and I tend to state them pretty forthrightly. This is not a formula for popularity in any social continuum I've ever experienced.

In my prior blogs, I took the fairly standard attitude: if you don't like my opinions or my blog, don't read the fucking thing.

Having given that some more thought, though, I'm not going to say that this time around, because I've realized that what this is basically saying is, 'if you don't like what I have to say, tough, I don't want to hear it, don't even bother to tell me, just go away'.

And that's actually a pretty worthless attitude. It's basically saying, 'I don't want to hear anything except unconditional agreement and approval'. And that's nonsense. This is still a free country... for a little while longer, anyway... and if you really feel you just gotta send me a flame, or post one on my comment threads (assuming they actually work, which I cannot in any way guarantee) then by all means, knock yourself out.

Unless your flame is exceptionally cogent, witty, or stylish, though, I will most likely ignore it. You do have a right to say anything you want (although I'm not sure that's a right when you're doing it in my comment threads, but hey, you can certainly send all the emails you want). However, I have an equal right not to read anything I don't feel like reading... and I'm really quick with the delete key... as various angry folks have found in the past, when they decided they just had to do their absolute level best to make me as miserable as possible.

So, if you don't like my opinions, feel free to say so. However, if I find absolutely nothing worthwhile in your commentary, I will almost certainly not respond to it in any way.

Stupidity, ignorance, intolerance... these things are only worth my time and attention if they're entertaining. So unless you can be stupid, ignorant, and/or intolerant with enough wit, style, and/or panache to amuse me... try to be smart, informed, and broad minded when you write me.





Friday 4/18/03

Saturday 4/19/03

Sunday 4/20/03

Sunday, later, 4/20/03

Monday, 4/21/03

Tuesday, 4/22/03

Wednesday, 4/23/03

Thursday, 4/24/03

Friday, 4/25/03

Monday, 4/28/03

Wednesday, 4/30/03

Friday, 5/2/03

Sunday, 5/4/03

Tuesday, 5/6/03

Thorsday, 5/8/03

Frey's Day, 5/9/03

Day of the Sun, 5/11/03

Moon's Day, 5/12/03

Tewes Day, 5/13/03

Woden's Day, 5/14/03

Thor's Day, 5/15/03

Frey's Day, 5/16/03

Satyr's Day, 5/17/03

Tewes's Day, 5/20/03

Woden's Day, 5/21/03

Frey's Day, 5/23/03

Satyr's Day, 5/24/03

Day of the Sun, 5/25/03

Tewes's Day, 5/27/03

Woden's Day, 5/28/03

Thor's Day, 5/29/03

Frey's Day, 5/30/03

Satyr's Day, 5/31/03

Day of the Sun/Moon's Day, 6/1&2/03

Woden's Day, 6/3/03

Thor's Day, 6/5/03

Satyr's Day, 6/7/03

Moon's Day, 6/9/03

Tewes' Day, 6/10/03

Thor's Day, 6/12/03

FATHER'S DAY, 6/15/03

Tewes' Day, 6/17/03

Thor's Day, 6/19/03

Satyr's Day, 6/21/03

Day of the Sun, 6/22/03

Tewe’s Day, 6/24/03

Thor’s Day, 6/26/03

Frey’s Day, 6/27/03

Day of the Sun, 6/29/03

Tewes’ Day, 7/1/03

Thors’s Day/Frey’s Day, 7/3&4/03

Moon’s Day, 7/7/03

Woden’s Day, 7/9/03

Frey’s Day, 7/11/03

Moon’s Day, 7/21/03

Thor’s Day, 7/24/03

Moon’s Day, 7/28/03

Frey’s Day, 8/01/03

Saturn’s Day, 8/02/03

Saturn’s Day, 8/02/03

Tewes’ Day, 8/05/03

Thor’s Day, 8/07/03

Frey’s Day, 8/08/03

Satyr’s Day, 8/09/03

Tewes’ Day, 8/12/03

Woden’s Day, 8/13/03

Frey’s Day, 8/15/03

Day o’ de Sun 8/17/03

Tewes' Day 8/19/03

Thor's Day 8/21/03

Saturn's Day 8/23/03

Moon's Day 8/25/03

Woden's Day 8/27/03

Satyr's Day 8/30/03

Moon's Day 9/1/03

Th/Fr’day 9/4&5/03

Mday 9/8/03

Thday 9/11/03

Snday 9/14/03

Mday 9/15/03

Wday 9/17/03

Saday 9/20/03

Mday 9/22/03

Satday 9/27/03

Snday 9/28/03

Wday 10/1/03

Thday 10/2/03

satday 10/4/03

tsday 10/7/03

frday 10/10/03

satday 10/11/03

sun/monday 10/12&13/03

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sunday 10/19/03

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saturday 10/25/03

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saturday 11/8/03

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tuesday 11/11/03

wednesday 11/12/03

friday 11/14/03

sunday 11/16/03

thursday 11/20/03

friday 11/21/03


Pen-Elayne on the Web

Dean's World


Reach-M High Cowboy Noose


Pop Culture Gadabout

Why Not? (A Blog By David Fiore)

Vanessa’s Blog

Bored and Broke

If anyone else out there has linked me and you don't find your blog or webpage here, drop me an email and let me know! I'm a firm believer in the social contract.


Buffy Lives! Her Series Dies! And Why I Regard It As A Mercy Killing..

ROBERT A. HEINLEIN, MARK EVANIER & ME: Robert Heinlein's Influence on Modern Day Superhero Comics

KILL THEM ALL AND LET NEO SORT THEM OUT: The Essential Immorality of The Matrix

HEINLEIN: The Man, The Myth, The Whackjob

BILL OF GOODS: The Words of A Heinlein Fan Like Nearly Every Other Heinlein Fan I've Ever Met, But More Polite

FIRST RAPE, THEN PILLAGE, THEN BURN: S.M. Stirling shows us terror... in a handful of alternate histories

DOING COMICS THE STAINLESS STEVE ENGLEHART WAY!by "John Jones" (that's me, D. Madigan), & Jeff Clem, with annotations by Steve Englehart



Why I Disliked Carol Kalish And Don't Care If Peter David Disagrees With Me

MARTIAN VISION, by John Jones, the Manhunter from Marathon, IL


Doc Nebula's Phantasmagorical Fan Page!


World Of Empire Fantasy Roleplaying Campaign

The Jeff Webb Art Site

S.M. Stirling


NOVELS: [* = not yet written]

Universal Maintenance

Universal Agent*

Universal Law*

Time Watch




Warren's World

Warlord of Erberos

Return to Erberos*



In The Early Morning Rain

Short Stories:


Good Cop, Bad Cop


Talkin' 'bout My Girl

No Good Angel

No Time Like The Present

Pursuit of Happiness

The Last One

Pursuit of Happiness

Return To Sender



Alleged Humor:

Ask A Bastard!

On The Road Again

Meeting of the Mindless

Star Drek


Fan Fic:

The Captain and the Queen

A Day Unlike Any Other (Iron Mike & Guardian)

DOOM Unto Others! (Iron Mike & Guardian)

Starry, Starry Night(Iron Mike & Guardian)

A Friend In Need (Blackstar & Guardian)

All The Time In The World(Blackstar)

The End of the Innocence(Iron Mike & Guardian)

And Be One Traveler(Iron Mike & Guardian)



AMAZONIA by D.A. Madigan & Nancy Champion (7 pages final script)

AMAZONIA (Alternate Draft 1)

AMAZONIA (Alternate Draft 2)

AMAZONIA (World Timeline)

TEAM VENTURE by Darren Madigan and Mike Norton

FANTASTIC FOUR 2099, by D.A. Madigan!







Help Us, Batman...

JLA Membership drive

Don't Leave Us, Batman...!

Ever wondered what happened to the World's Finest Super-team?

Two heroes meet their editor...

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A never before seen panel from the Golden Age of Comics...