A Brown Eyed Handsome Man has had many different Web pseudonyms, most of which are still active, although hardly ‘secret identities’ any more. He has been known at various times in the past as Doc Nebula, John Jones the Manhunter from Marathon, IL, Major Attitude Adjustment II, and, in a long ago HULK! letters column, Saban Andreovic-Charles of Croatian-on-the-Hudson. His real name, though, is Darren A. Madigan (admittedly, the name on his first birth certificate is actually Darren A. Kelly, because his mom’s first husband didn’t legally adopt him until a year or so after he was born out of wedlock, and who knows, maybe that’s what started him off on this whole identity crisis thingie in the first place).

He has written seven novels, one military memoir, a buncha short stories, a whole lot of articles on comic books and other geek stuff, and quite a lot of porn. I'll let you guess which of those things he's actually been paid for.

He is officially middle aged (having been born in November of 1961), morbidly obese, astonishingly obnoxious, almost certainly single at any time you might feasibly be reading this, and at the moment of this typing, unemployed. Remedies for any of these conditions, or simple cash contributions, are always appreciated and generally will be gratefully accepted… if you can find me, which given how paranoid I am, is never as easy as you’d really think it should be, what with me being fairly large, rather distinctive in appearance, awfully noisy when awake, and pretty darned slow moving.

My email addresses are docnebula01@juno.com or martianmanhunter2@juno.com .