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What's New?

11/1/2014 - Happy 51st birthday to Rick. Added a recent photo of him in Rick's Photo Gallery. Scroll all the way to bottom to view.

12/19/2013 - Added a festive new holiday picture to Rick's Photo Gallery.

11/1/2013 - Updated Latest News.

10/3/13 - Added one photo to the Band Photo Gallery under the Viva Hysteria! section.

9/26/13 - Updated Latest News.

7/26/13 - Updated Latest News.

6/20/2013 - Added one new photo to Rick's Photo Gallery.

6/3/13 - Added two photos to the Band Photo Gallery. The first is under the Pyromania section, and the second is under Viva Hysteria!

5/24/13 - Updated Latest News.

4/4/2013 - Added one new photo to Rick's Photo Gallery and one to the Band Photo Gallery as well. Scroll all the way down to the bottom to view both.

3/26/2013 - Added two new quotes from Sav to the In Other(s) Words section. Also, added a photo to the Odds & Ends section.

3/14/13 - Updated Latest News.

2/22/2013 - Added one new photo to Rick's Photo Gallery. Scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page to view.

1/2/2013 - Added one photo to Rick & His Fans and also one photo to Rick's Photo Gallery under the Pyromania section. Both were sent in courtesy of Don.

12/22/2012 - Added one photo to Rick's Photo Gallery under the Pyromania section. This will probably be the last update until 2013. Happy New Year to everyone.

11/27/12 - Added a new quote from Don Dokken about Rick to In Other(s) Words. Also added a cute photo to the Odds & Ends section and a bit of tour news to Latest News.

11/9/12 - Added a YouTube video clip of Rick's acceptance speech from the Wounded Warrier awards last month.

11/1/12 - Updated Latest News.

10/4/12 - Added one recent photo to Rick's Photo Gallery (scroll ALL the way to the bottom) and an old Band Photo.

9/21/12 - Added two photos to Rick's Photo Gallery under the "Adrenalize" section. A big thank you to Beth for submitting them!

9/11/12 - Added another quote to Straight From Rick and also a recent Band Photo.

8/18/12 - Added another quote to Straight From Rick and also three photos to Rick's Photo Gallery under the "Rock of Ages Tour" section - so scroll all the way down.

7/30/12 - Added a really nice Article with photo of Rick's participation with the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

7/13/12 - Added another recent photo to the Band Photo Gallery.

7/10/12 - Added a new quote from Phil to In Other(s) Words.

7/4/12 - Check out Latest News to see how you can vote for Rick to recieve another humanitarian award. Also, added a new YouTube video clip of Rick & the rest of the guys in a Q/A session.

6/18/12 - Added a recent photo to the Band Photo Gallery.

5/3/12 - Added another quote to Straight From Rick.

4/20/12 - Added a new Article.

4/13/12 - Finally got a brand new Guestbook up and please stop by and sign it if you'd like. Unfortunately the last 10 years worth of guestbook signatures are gone due to the old guestbook server closing down.

4/12/12 - Added a new YouTube clip of Rick. Also, added a new photo to Rick's Photo Gallery. Scroll all the way down as it's at the bottom of the page.

4/5/11 - Got the Polls Page up again, so feel free to vote on the four questions there. Also, any ideas for new questions are always appreciated! Guestbook is still down, but we are working on getting a new one up as soon as possible.

4/3/12 - Added a quote to Straight From Rick from a 1993 interview and also added a new Link.

Also, the Guestbook and Polls page are temporarily "out of order." Hope to get those back up within the week.

3/9/12 - Updated Latest News regarding Rick's latest project.

3/8/12 - Added a quote to Straight From Rick from a 1993 interview.

2/6/12 - Updated Latest News.

1/24/12 - Happy New Year! Added a new quote to Straight From Rick.

12/20/11 - Added two quotes to Straight From Rick. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and we'll see everybody in 2012!

12/9/11 - Added a photo to Rick's Photo Gallery under the "Mirrorball" section - so scroll all the way down.

11/3/11 - I know I'm a few days late, but here's hoping Rick had a fantastic 48th birthday this past November 1st.

10/06/11 - Tweaked the Message Board a bit, added a search engine to it and a place to sign up for daily updates (even though it hasn't been very busy!).

9/7/11 - Added a photo to Rick's Photo Gallery under the Adrenalize era. Thank you to Steve for passing it along.

8/16/11 - Added a new quote about Rick's untidy dressing room habits to the "Miscellaneous Words" section of In Other(s) Words.

8/5/11 - Added a photo to the Band Photo Gallery under the Pyromania section.

8/4/11 - Added two photos to Rick's Photo Gallery - one under the Hysteria section and the other under the Mirrorball section. Also, added a new video clip to our video section.

7/24/11 - Added two new pictures Rick's Photo Gallery. Scroll all the way down to the Mirrorball section.

7/6/11 - Added an old pic to Rick's Photo Gallery and also a new link.

6/23/11 - Added a pic to Rick's Photo Gallery under the Hysteria section. Also updated Latest News.

6/14/11 - Added a photo to the Band's Photo Gallery under the Mirrorball section.

6/8/11 - Added a recent photo to the Band's Photo Gallery.

6/7/11 - Added a few small things to Rick's Bio.

6/1/11 - Added a new quote by Viv about Rick to In Other(s) Words.

5/25/11 - Edited the page with Rick's wedding photos in Rick's Photo Gallery (scroll down to the "X" section).

5/20/11 - Added a new quote to Rick Speaks (scroll to very bottom of page) and a new quote about Rick to the "Miscellaneous Words" section of In Other(s) Words.

5/13/11 - Added a few more quotes to Rick Speaks about his parents.

5/3/11 - Added a quote about Rick to the "Miscellaneous Words" section of In Other(s) Words. Also, updated Latest News about "Mirrorball."

5/2/11 - The latest captions for the Penny For Your Thoughts section is up. Thanks to everyone who sent one in.

4/15/11 - Added a photo from the Slang era to Rick's Photo Gallery, and also a quote by Viv to In Other(s) Words.

4/13/11 - It's been six years since I added a new Poll question, so I thought we might be due for one! You can vote on how well you like the new "Undefeated" track. If you haven't heard it yet, click on Latest News for a link to hear it.

4/12/11 - Updated Latest News.

4/4/11 - If you enjoy this website, the hundreds of photos, articles, fan experiences, etc., then please take a moment to Like us on Facebook. Thank you!

4/1/11 - Happy April's Fools Day! I have the last two photos up that were so kindly given to me by Bev of Steve Clark Guitar. They are under the Pyromania section of Rick's Photo Gallery. I had to translate some German text on them, and while I think I have one correct, the other photo I failed miserably on. So if we have any German speaking visitors here, PLEASE check them out and correct my translations if need be.

3/29/11 - We've relaunched the "Penny For Your Thoughts" section! Please check out the new photos for April here and send in any captions you might have for them.

3/25/11 - Two more photos added to Rick's Photo Gallery, Pyromania era, courtesy of Steve Clark Guitar.

3/21/11 - Updated Latest News with some very special news.

3/17/11 - Another photo has been added to Rick's Photo Gallery, Hysteria era, courtesy of Steve Clark Guitar. Four more coming soon.

3/10/11 - Added another of Bev's great photos, this time to the Band's Photo Gallery. Very funny!

3/4/11 - Added another rare Hysteria-era photo to Rick's Photo Gallery, courtesy of Bev at Steve Clark Guitar. Six more coming soon!

3/2/11 - Updated Latest News and added a new photo to the Band's Photo Gallery.

2/22/11 - Added two Hysteria-era photos to Rick's Photo Gallery. Thanks to Bev at Steve Clark Guitar for sharing them with me. I have several more rare ones of Rick from Bev that will be added over the next few weeks - so be sure to check back!

2/17/11 - Updated Latest News.

2/9/11 - Added a photo from the Hysteria days to the Band's Photo Gallery.

2/3/11 - Added a new quote to In Other(s) Words under the Miscellaneous section.

12/31/10 - Today marks 26 years since Rick's car accident. Have a safe and happy New Year everyone.

12/22/10 - Just like to share a link to an article I came across that chronicles some one-armed or even armless musicians. Rick is included, of course. It's a nice article and makes you appreciate what Rick (and others) have overcome. Click here to read it and Merry Christmas everyone.

11/29/10 - Updated Latest News and added an old photo to Rick's Photo Gallery.

11/8/10 - Created a Facebook page to go along with the website. We hope you'll check it out and "Like" us! Click here to check us out.

11/1/10 - Updated Latest News.

10/20/10 - Updated Latest News.

10/12/10 - Added one funny photo to Rick's Photo Gallery, a classic 1980's photo to the Band's Photo Gallery, and one quote to Straight From Rick.

10/1/10 - Added two Fan Pictures and also one photo to Rick's Photo Gallery.

9/27/10 - Added a live 1980 YouTube Video showing Rick performing a rare drum solo in Fresno when Def Leppard were still just an opening act.

9/22/10 - Click here to hear a short radio interview of Rick from 2008.

9/17/10 - Updated Latest News regarding another of Rick's side projects. Also, added a new photo to Rick's Photo Gallery from an event he attended this September 11th.

9/1/10 - Added one photo to Rick's Photo Gallery (scroll all the way down to bottom of page), and added two more quotes to In Other(s) Words under the "Miscellaneous Words" section.

8/10/10 - Added two old photos from 1980: One to Rick's Photo Gallery, and the other to the Band's Photo Gallery. Special thanks to the person who submitted them - it's very much appreciated.

8/2/10 - Added a new quote to In Other(s) Words under Malvin's page.

7/22/10 - Updated Latest News regarding Rick's participation in a local charity in his hometown of Sheffield, England.

7/20/10 - Added a new quote to In Other(s) Words under Stacy's page.

7/13/10 - Added two photos to Rick's Photo Gallery, one recent one (scroll all the way to bottom) and one old one at the top.

7/2/10 - Added one photo to Rick's Photo Gallery under the "Sparkle Lounge" section (scroll all the way to bottom).

6/17/10 - Updated Latest News regarding Rick's radio show.

6/14/10 - Updated Latest News regarding Rick's latest charitable work.

6/2/10 - Added a new quote to In Other(s) Words.

5/20/10 - Wishing Rick lots of good luck as his daughter Lauren is now officially a teenager! Happy Birthday Lauren.

5/13/10 - Added a new quote to Rick Speaks.

4/13/10 - Added two more YouTube Videos.

4/1/10 - Added a new quote to In Other(s) Words.

3/18/10 - Added three photos to Rick's Photo Gallery - one under the "X" section and two under "Songs from the Sparkle Lounge."

3/12/10 - Added a new section to the website for YouTube Videos of Rick. Thank you Sarah for the idea, and for Marianne for creating a new button for it!

3/2/10 - Added a few Links if you'd like to follow Rick or Def Leppard on Twitter. Special thanks to Sarah for sending them to me.

2/25/10 - Make sure you tune into tonight to hear Rick's debut radio program. 6:30 pm. PST, 9:30 EST.

2/19/10 - Updated Latest News regarding another side project for Rick, and also updated Rick's Bio a tad.

2/18/10 - Added a new Article from Classic Rock Magazine.

2/9/10 - Added a photo to Rick's Photo Gallery from his drum circle on Celebrity Fit Club. (Scroll all the way to the bottom).

2/4/10 - Updated Latest News for a TV appearance of Rick.

01/05/10 - Happy New Year! Catch VH1's 100 Most Shocking Music Moments. Rick's accident clocks in at #15, and a brief mention of his Raven Drum Foundation is included as well.

11/17/09 - Updated Latest News.

11/02/09 - A day late, but Happy Birthday to Rick who turned 46 yesterday, November 1st.

9/10/09 - Click here to watch a video of Rick and his encounter with a wild horse. Or, if that link doesn't work (which it doesn't when I doublecheck it), just go to and you can find the video there under her NEWS section.

7/2/09 - Added a new photo of the band to the Band's Photo Gallery.

05/22/09 - Updated Latest News.

5/20/09 - Happy 12th birthday to Rick's daughter, Lauren Shane. Also, added a photo to Odds & Ends that Rick and wife Lauren did for Melt Magazine.

4/17/09 - Added a recent photo of Rick and wife Lauren to Rick's Photo Gallery. (Scroll all the way to the bottom).

04/06/09 - Updated Latest News.

1/08/09 - Happy New Year! Added a bit of news regarding Rick and his wife Lauren to Latest News.

12/05/08 - Added a new Quote from Rick.

11/01/08 - Updated Latest News.

7/19/08 - Added a recent photo to Rick's Photo Gallery (scroll all the way to the bottom).

7/14/08 - Added a new quote from Phil about Rick in the In Other(s) Words section.

6/6/08 - Updated Latest News.

6/3/08 - Added a new photo of the band to the Band's Photo Gallery.

5/28/08 - Phil and Rick have again been nominated for the Sexiest Vegetarian Celebrity title for 2008. You can check out the contest here and vote.

5/20/08 - Added a recent Article and a new photo of the band to the Band's Photo Gallery. Also, Happy 11th Birthday to Rick's daughter, Lauren Shane.

5/14/08 - Added a new photo of the band to the Band's Photo Gallery.

05/06/08 - Here's a link to a radio interview done with Rick a few weeks ago. Just click here to listen.

04/21/08 - Updated Latest News.

04/01/08 - Added a recent photo to Rick's Photo Gallery (scroll all the way to the bottom).

01/03/08 - Happy New Year! Added a Fan Experience, courtesy of Stephanie.

11/01/07 - Happy Birthday to Rick as he turns 44! Also, updated Latest News regarding some new links to Rick's projects.

10/05/07 - Rick has organized a new organization called the "One Hand Drum Company" in conjunction with The Raven Drum Foundation to help with funding for Raven's projects:

"When Rick Allen signs an autograph it is always accompanied by a drawing of a one armed drummer aptly named, "STIK RICK". With so many people always asking "How are you doing"�"how's things" after over 20 years Rick can only answer "Life Is Great!!! Be A Rockstar!!!" This simple statement and the drawing of "STIK RICK" are being featured as works of art by Rick Allen, the artist. Allen states "This is one way everyone can be a part of my organization, One Hand Drum Company". In the near future, you will be able to purchase merchandise that garnishes this brand, it's really exciting and a portion of all the proceeds go to support Raven Drum. Allen exclaimed," We are pleased to have One Hand Drum as a financial partner".

You can read the entire article at the Raven Drum website.

09/07/07 - An update at last! Added a new Fan Experience, courtesy of Donn. Thanks for the story and photo Donn.

07/20/07 - Added a photo to Rick's Photo Gallery, courtesy of Connie.

06/14/07 - Added a link in the Odds & Ends section to watch Rick's 1992 "Fighting Back" interview. If you've never seen this one before, it's a definate must-see!

05/20/07 - Happy 10th birthday to Rick's daughter, Lauren Shane!

05/17/07 - Added a photo of Rick receiving another humanitarian award to the Odds & Ends section.

04/18/07 - Updated Latest News.

02/23/07 - Added a photo to Rick's Photo Gallery.

02/23/07 - Added an old "Hysteria" photo to Rick's Photo Gallery.

12/20/06 - Happy Holidays to everyone. The Thunder God website will be back in 2007 with (hopefully!) some updates. See you next year!

11/1/06 - Happy 43rd Birthday to Rick as he celebrates it on the road touring!

10/06/06 - Updated Latest News.

9/22/06 - Added a new quote to Rick Speaks (scroll down to the very bottom to find it), and added five photos to Rick's Photo Gallery.

8/21/06 - Added another fan photo to Rick & His Fans. Also added a magazine cover of Rick to theOdds & Ends section.

8/2/06 - Added the first new fan photo of the 2006 tour to Rick & His Fans. If anybody has one of themselves and Rick, feel free to email your photo and I'll add it to our growing collection!

7/29/06 - Added a new photo of the band with Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban to the Band's Photo Gallery. Thank you to Bill for sending it to me.

7/12/06 - Added a new Link.

7/8/06 - Added one new photo to Rick's Photo Gallery, and one old photo to the Band's Photo Gallery.

6/29/06 - Added three photos to Rick's Photo Gallery, and one photo to the Band's Photo Gallery.

6/15/06 - Added a few new quotes - one from Phil in the In Other(s) Words section, and one from Rick in the Rick Speaks section (scroll down to the very bottom to find it).

6/10/06 - Added three new photos to Rick's Photo Gallery (scroll down to the very bottom).

6/3/06 - Added one photo to the Band's Photo Gallery from the VH1 Rock Honors.

5/22/06 - Added two more photos to the Band's Photo Gallery.

5/2/06 - Updated Latest News with some upcoming Lep TV appearances. Also added a photo to the Band's Photo Gallery.

4/7/06 - Added a new Fan Experience and a quote from Joe in the In Other(s) Words section.

3/24/06 - Added a new Article and a new Link.

3/3/06 - Updated Latest News.

2/10/06 - Added an old black and white photo to Rick's Photo Gallery.

1/12/06 - Rick's "Raven Drum Foundation" has launched their new store. You can check it out here.

12/13/05 - Added one new photo to the Band's Photo Gallery.

11/15/05 - Added one new photo to the Band's Photo Gallery and three to Rick's Photo Gallery, courtesy of Judy.

11/1/05 - Happy Birthday to Rick as he turns 42 years old today! Also, two new photos have been added - one to Rick's Photo Gallery and one to Rick & His Fans. Scroll down to the bottom of each page to find the new additions!

10/11/05 - You can here a recent radio interview Rick did by clicking here. Once there, just click on "Interview Rick Allen" to hear the entire soundclip.

10/7/05 - Added one old photo of Rick to Rick's Photo Gallery.

9/15/05 - Added one new Article and two recent photos of Rick to Rick's Photo Gallery.

9/1/05 - Big update today! August's "Penny For Your Thoughts?" captions are up. Last months captions have been Archived. Added two Articles (one recent and one from 1985). Added one new Fan Experience and a quote to Straight From Rick. And finally, added a new Link to a drum-related website.

8/18/05 - Added one new fan photo to Rick & His Fans, and one to Rick's Photo Gallery.

8/2/05 - A day late (sorry!), but July's Penny For Your Thoughts? captions are up. To see next months photos and submit your caption ideas, please click here.

7/15/05 - Added a total of eight photos to the website. Three new photos of the Band, three new fan photos under Rick & His Fans, and two new ones of Rick himself in Rick's Photo Gallery.

7/8/05 - Added five photos to Rick's Photo Gallery.

7/1/05 - Re-opened the Penny For Your Thoughts section again for the summer. Check out the photos and send in your caption ideas. All will posted on August 1st.

6/29/05 - Added a new Article and updated Latest News.

6/23/05 - Updated Rick's Bio a bit and also added two new photos to Rick's Photo Gallery. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see them as they're at the bottom of the page.

6/17/05 - Added some new quotes to the In Other(s) Words section by Phil and a music journalist regarding Rick.

6/10/05 - Added a new photo to Rick & His Fans.

6/6/05 - Added a new photo to Rick's Photo Gallery. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see it.

5/26/05 - Updated Latest News.

5/20/05 - Happy birthday to Lauren Shane Allen who turns eight years old today.

5/4/05 - Added an old photo to Rick's Photo Gallery.

4/22/05 - Updated Latest News regarding a few more TV appearances by the band.

4/1/05 - Updated Latest News.

3/7/05 - Updated Latest News.

2/11/05 - Added a new question to the Polls page regarding Rick's drum circles. After voting, this question gives you an opportunity to leave your own comment on the subject.

1/5/05 - Happy New Year! Rick's Bio page has been updated regarding his side projects, and a photo of he and Steve can be found in Rick's Photo Gallery.

12/16/04 - Christmas greetings from Rick's dog can be found under Odds & Ends. Also, added a recent Rick sighting to Fan Experiences.

Happy Holidays to everyone. See you in 2005!

12/6/04 - Added one photo of Rick and Steve to Rick's Photo Gallery.

11/11/04 - Added a new Link to a site that has all the lyrics to Def Leppard's songs. Also updated Rick's Bio page regarding some recent side projects of his.

11/1/04 - Happy Birthday to Rick, who celebrates his 41st birthday today. Added a photo of Rick from his 40th birthday to Rick's Photo Gallery.

10/25/04 - With the North American release date pending for Def Leppard's newest CD/DVD, you can order it on line via the link on the home page of this website.

10/19/04 - Added one new Article and one photo to Rick's Photo Gallery.

10/8/04 - Took the Message Board down for a while, but it's back up and running if anybody would like it.

9/17/04 - Updated Latest News.

8/6/04 - Added two photos of Rick to Rick's Photo Gallery, two Article from the Hysteria days, and updated Latest News.

7/22/04 - Added two new photos of Rick to Rick's Photo Gallery. Scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to view

7/9/04 - Added one new photo to Rick & His Fans and one new Fan Experience.

6/18/04 - Added a photo of Rick from LepCon to Rick's Photo Gallery, courtesy of Anna.