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Penny For Your Thoughts?

July, 2005

Rick: "Come on Steve! Give me a turn!"

Rick: "Hey Steve..can I drive??"

Rick: "Can I take the car for spin, Steve?"
Steve: "No offense, buddy, but do you remember the last time you took a spin in a car?"
Rick: "Man, I almost forgot about that! So.....if I promise not to wreck it, can I drive it?"
Steve: "No!"

Rick: "JOE??!!! Steve's not sharing!! Make him share Joe!"

Rick: "Hey Steve? Can I have a turn?"

Rick: "Bloody 'ell Steve...even I can drive that thing better than you."

Rick: "How do you drive it?"
Steve: "I don't think you can!"

Rick: "When you said you wanted to show me your new wheels I thought you meant Porche, not Matel."

Rick: "Hey Steve! Nice shorts!! (snort)"
Steve: "Yah, yah."

Little Ricky: "Hold on a minute.....there's some fans over there that want to take my photo!"

Little Ricky: "Hey..that's MY dad! Ain't he wonderful! Woof!"

Rick: "Don't wander off, Little Ricky. Stay close to Daddy."
Little Ricky: "Woof!" (Translation: "Okay!")

Little Ricky: "Hey Dad....couldn't you think of a more original name for me? Geez!"

Rick: "Now where did we park the car?"
Little Ricky: "Follow me.....I swear you're hopeless without me."

Little Ricky: "What? You've never seen a dog before?"

Rick: "I thought getting my leg humped would feel differently."

Little Ricky: "Where's the limo? I refuse to travel any other way....Rick?! RICK! C'mon man, where's the limo?"

Little Ricky: "What do you mean they don't allow dogs in this venue?? Don't they know who I am?! WOOF!"