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Frequently Asked Questions


If your question is not listed here, please submit it using this form and we will ask our experts for a solutions.


  1. The Thespians and the Seminary want pictures in jpg format with a solid background. I thought they would want a gif file with a transparent background. Are they right or am I?
  2. I will graduate soon. Where do I get my cap and gown?
  3. Where do I sign up for groups and guilds?
  4. Are there any other places than the Problems & Solutions Committee where new members can get help?
  5. There are some special fonts used on CLAW pages. Where do I get those fonts?
  1. How do I save a graphic to my own hard drive?

  2. I have a lot of graphics in my folder saved but I don't remember who they belonged to so I can give the proper credit. What should I do?
  3. Sometimes when I am working with a graphic and trying to cut and paste something the image gets fuzzy and blurry. What causes this and what can I do to fix it? 
  4. How can I cut out a graphic to make the background clear?
  5. How can I dress myself for parties or official events?

Internet & Email

  1. Email & Privacy
    How do I send BCC - blind email copy - to someone to protect the privacy of my furriends?
  2. How do I put a linked graphic into HTML Gear guestbooks?

PC Stuff

  1. How do I add a new font to my graphic program or to my Windows system?
WebTV Stuff
  1. I'm on WebTV. How can I get my awards, levels, and membership cards from the CLAW pages they are on?
  2. I need the URL of the image itself. How do I get it?
  3. How do I upload graphics?
  4. Help! I got a "acces refused" - what can I do?

Webpage Stuff

  1. Is there a list of all the colors I can use for my page backgrounds, text and links?
  2. How do I change the colors for my backgrounds, text and links?
  3. How can I remove the underline of a textlink?
  4. How can I make the color of a text link change when I move over it with the mouse?
  5. How can I change the color of the scrollbars in my browserwindow? 
  6. How do I add a text link?
  7. How do I add a graphic link?
  8. I added a link to a graphic but I don`t want a small frame around it. What have I done wrong? How can I fix it?
  9. I want to make a page with a double or triple background. How do I do this?
  10. How would I have a banner link to another site and open it on a new page?
Where Do I Get Free Stuff?
  1. I need a second email address. Where do I find one?
  2. Where do I get free webspace for my site?
  3. I want a guestbook so visitors can leave their pawprints. Where do I find one?
  4. I don`t want to handcode HTML. Is there any easy-to-use editor available?
    (free software and some shareware)

If your question is not listed here, please submit it using this form and we will ask our experts for a solutions.

Cat Related Stuff

  1. How can I help to feed other cats and animals in need without costs?
  2. Is there any alternative than using the garden as a litter box?