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CLAW Problems & Solutions Committee

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Application form


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Application Form

for CLAW members who want to join
the Problems & Solutions Committee

We`re very happy that you want to join our Committee.
Please, first read the Committee Guidlines and then fill out this form.

Tell us a bit about yourself (something purrsonal) and mew about your skills.

Here are a few examples for this:

  • doing graphics and can help with graphic program XYZ
  • your knowledge about a webpage editor
  • HTML
  • WebTV
  • navigation around CLAW
  • and so on


What is your name?

Your E-meow address?


Please, mew something purrsonal:

Your skills?
Please answer as detailed as possible.
For example, if you`re good at doing webpages tell us where we can find one.


If you wish a link to your purrsonal homepage, please enter URL here.

Your photo or graphic is more than welcome too but not necessary for application.
Please, send your photo to Jacky
or submit the URL where we can pick it here:


We will check your application as soon as possible and let you know if you`re accepted.

After you became a member of the Committee we`ll add your mews along with your photo on a special members page (see *Meet our experts*).
If you wish to show your talents send your website URL along with your mews to us.

And for a good start :-)
If you`re accepted to work in the Committee -> your mews are worth 50 service points and sending a photo is worth 25 additional service points.