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CLAW Problems & Solutions Committee

P&S Home

Questions to the P&S


Special Projects

Help for volunteers

Send your Suggestions

Meet our experts


About Service Points

Committee Guidlines

Application form


We support shelters!





How to earn Service Points 

From time to time you will get e-meow from us with a questions a CLAW sibling asked our committee. We will reward every answer submitted to the committee with 25 Service Points.

Sending useful links to solve a problem is worth 10 points.

Submitting a problem and its solutions for the FAQ page is worth 25 Service Points.

Some month we have a special committee project. Every kitty who takes part in this activity will receive Service Points. Points awarded may vary.

We have a section called MEET OUR EXPERTS. Every kitty is asked to mew some purrsonal things and something about his/her skills. We suggest to send a photo of yourself too.
Purrsonal mews are worth 50 Service Points; photo is 25 Service Points.
Please, fill out this form.

You will also earn 25 Service Points for submitting a suggestion for the monthly committee project.

To send your ideas, please, use the suggestions form.

If you find a bug, please, mew to Jacky about this. Bug reports are worth 10 Service Points.

If more than one member signed upto the committee:
Service points will bill given to all family members who are members of the commitee. Service points will not be devided between them and all will get the full points. Only make sure you sign your email, forum entry etc. with all names.



Special jobs:

Perhaps we need a volunteer who is able to help a kitty who wants to build his/her first webpage.

In addition to this we serve CLAW on different ways like helping to get the diplomas for graduation from CLAW seminary ready in time. 

The committee will reward this with Service Points too (depending on the jobs to do).