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Committee Guidelines

The main goal of the CLAW Problems & Solutions Committee is to serve CLAW and all its memfurs. It`s our job to help members, the CLAW office and CLAW officers, group and guild leaders.

  1. The Committee lend all CLAW members, the CLAW Office, all officers and group and guild leaders a paw. Any CLAW member may ask the Problems & Solutions Committee for help with e.g. navigating around CLAW, netiquette, webpage building, dressing for graduation and more.
  2. The Committee can`t offer help to do other group`s projects or activities for those group members who don`t know what to mew.
  3. Any CLAW member may apply to join the Problems & Solutions Committee. New members are required to apply to join the Committee by writing an essay about their skills and how they would like to help other CLAW members. For the officers it`s necessary to know about these skills.
    Some purrsonal mews, e.g. where you live and maybe something about the family, would be appreciated.
    Application form
  4. If more than one member signed upto the committee:
    Service points will bill given to all family members who are members of the commitee. Service points will not be devided between them and all will get the full points. Only make sure you sign your email, forum entry etc. with all names.
  5. The application essay will be published at the "Meet our experts" pages.
  6. Every member - current or new - is entitled to get their own and purrsonal expert page including a photo which will be stored at the Committee site.

  7. New members must pass a period of probation of 6 months before they are full committee members with all the rights and privileges thereof.

  8. From time to time the Committee Officers will send a circular e-meow with a questions a CLAW sibling asked the Committee. Please, try to answer this as soon as possible because the member who asked is sure waiting for a solution.

  9. The Committee Chaircat will keep CLAW member`s and Committee member`s e-meow addresses secret.

  10. Since the Committee is a service organization it is not our primary duty to provide entertainment or education for the members but extra activities are provided from time to time.

  11. Members are expected to work. Committee members who do not work for a period of 6 months will be dropped from the Committee.

  12. Committee members always have the opportunity to work on the FAQ pages or to send in their suggestions for special activites.

  13. Committee members receive extra compensation from CLAW in the guise of special titles and badges or banners. They may also receive more Service Points than non-committee members as they do more work for CLAW.

    For Service Point guidelines please look at "How to earn Service Points"

    February 1, 2002