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Character Profiles
  • Himura Kenshin
  • Kamiya Kaoru
  • Myojin Yahiko
  • Sagara Sanosuke
  • Takani Megumi

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  • History of the Meiji
  • He Said/She Said
  • The Aiko Gumi
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  • Sanosuke Sagara

  • Nicknames: Rooster-head, Zanza, Sano
  • Birthday: February 30, 1860
  • Age: 19
  • Blood Type: B
  • Height: 5'9"
  • Weight: 180 lbs
  • Hobbies: Chewing on a fish-bone, gambling, bullying Yahiko, fighting, being lazy
  • Appearance: Very lanky with brown hair and eyes, and a very unique hair style. It almost looks like he is wearing a gi, but on the back, it has the Kanji for "bad" (In Japanese it says "evil")
  • Weapon of choice: Fists after he lost in Zanbatou
  • Fighting Style: It started out as basic street-fighting, but in the Kyoto Arc, he learns Futae No Kiwame from a very mysterious fallen monk
  • Occupation: A former fighter-for-hire, now... nothing
  • Motto: "Anything for a free meal or a fun fight!"
  • Seiyuu: Yuuji Ueda
  • History: Sanosuke served in the Sekihoutai at the age of 9 or so, under his idol, Captain Sagara. The Sekihoutai encouraged people to fight against the Shogunate by saying taxes would be lowered and such, which, in the beginning, was what the Imperialist army was promising. However, when the time came, the Imperialists could not back their promise, and instead of losing all their support from the people, they used the Sekihoutai as a scapegoat. The Imperialists told the people that the Sekihoutai was spreading lies, and the Sekihoutai was executed after being branded the "False Imperial Army." Sanosuke and his friend Tsunan Tsukioka were saved by Captain Sagara in his moment of death, but since then, both have hated the Imperialist government with their hearts and souls every day of their lives. In an attempt to forget his past, Sanosuke became a fighter-for-hire known as Zanza. However, when he is hired to get rid of Himura the Battousai by Gohei, his world takes a dramatic twist for the best. Half-way rotten by his life as a mercenary, Kenshin is the first to defeat Sanosuke, and ultimately saves him. From that moment on, Sanosuke remains a loyal friend of to Kenshin and becomes one of the "Kenshin Gumi."
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