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Character Profiles
  • Himura Kenshin
  • Kamiya Kaoru
  • Myojin Yahiko
  • Sagara Sanosuke
  • Takani Megumi

  • Japanese Dictionary
  • History of the Meiji
  • He Said/She Said
  • The Aiko Gumi
  • Link to Me

  • Ghosts of the Revolution
  • Fireflies

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  • The Aiko Gumi!

    Okay, so I have a group, but we don't call ourselves the "Aiko Gumi," but it's pretty catchy, huh? This page is basically dedicated to all my friends, family, co-workers, etc etc etc... If you don't see your name here and are offended, I AM SORRY! I tried my best to add every single friend I have, but mistakes do happen! Just e-mail me if you have something to say to me!

  • Adam/Aragorn- Hey, I am so excited for you to come out a visit this summer. I miss you so much I just can't wait to see you! But no matter how much I luv ya, Kenshin could still kick your butt in a duel... ^-^
  • Anthony- Hola! You have been one of my best friends this year, and I am so lucky to have you with me! Even though I tease you a ton, you know I luv ya, right? It's so awesome that I've been able to get you hooked on all my crazy obsessions! Now I have someone to talk crazy stuff with!
  • Megan- Hey, the last two years have been great, and I am so glad to have you as a friend. I'll miss you in cheers, but I am sure we'll see each other a ton during the summer. Don't let the Black Falcon get ya! Java Bean!
  • Laurie- What can I say? You were my inspiration to get started in the first place building websites. It all began with Sailor Moon, and since then, it's been one big competition on who could make their site better! You and Nani-Boy should seriously get together, Little Usagi. See ya during practice!
  • Michael- Or should I say, MIKAL? What in the world would I do without you? Of course, the streets would be safer, and I would have no one from Canada to pick on, but... You are an awesome friend, loyal and dedicated, and I really am lucky to have gotten the chance to get to know you this year. Have an awesome summer, and I'll see ya later!

    Wow, only 5 people, that's sad. Oh well, I got bored with this so I'll add more later! Sayonara for now!
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