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'CoolMUI' tutorial

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Now to some tips&tricks:

TIP: Generally, MUI has thousands of config options, but there are some, which easily get not recognized, like the lister-colours. Why not use a pattern instead of a colour for selections? In the CoolMUI archive you can find a yellow pattern, called 'yellow-light.iff" in the 'lists'-directory.

TIP: Also, in most user's settings, the colour of text-cursors is mostly left blue - why not use orange or red instead?

TIP: There are several ways to save your config from within MUI. If you click the 'Save' button within MUI, your config will be used by all MUI appliactions, which settings haven't been configured yet. If you open MUI from within a MUI application (say Voyager) and you click on 'Save', only the MUI config of Voyager will be saved. If you want several configs, you can open MUI's menu and choose 'Save as' and give a filenname. This way, you can configure several MUI-'themes', which enables you to switch between several settings by holding down the right mousebutton somewhere in MUI (place the pointer over an empty place on MUI's interface).

TIP: MUI can act very weird when mixing version numbers of MCCs, MCPs and MUI-libs. (MUI libs belong to MUI:libs btw. not to SYS:Libs/ !) So beware of copying MUI libs by hand as this might get you into trouble.

TIP: You don't like the iconify-icon of MUI and MUI applications? No problem: Copy a glowicon to MUI:Icons/ and rename it to '' (Maybe make a copy of the old one first). The icon-type should be set to 'tool'.

TIP: You want to open a MUI application on a seperate screen? Well, it's as easy as starting the tool PSI, which should be in your MUI dir and defining a new screen with name, resolution, colours, etc. and choosing it from the MUI settings of the application. If you active the 'System' area of the MUI config, you will see a string-gadget. Just enter the name of the screen (which you have just created) there or click on the pull-down gadget and select it there.

TIP: If you want to improve the look of MUI and your WB even more you can download VisualPrefs. There are great themes/imagesets available (like the Aqua one by Martin Bren used in this screenshots) and you can easily create your own.

TIP: You can use patterns for nearly every area of MUI - but don't overuse it! Too much use of patterns result in less clearness of the GUI.

TIP: Lots of MUI applications are let down by dull 4-colour images (used as a toolbar). Martin Merz (MIcons) has done a great job in trying to create glowimages for these applications - so why not replace your old toolbars with glowing and stylish ones today?

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