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'CoolMUI' tutorial

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Some Q&A:

What kind of tutorial is this?
This is a short tutorial about configuring MUI. I won't describe how to install MUI or its classes here - this is just a personal config, which will give you a more modern and stylish look&feel. You may not like it (tastes vary of course), still, if you like my creation you may want to have a look at this tutorial. All patterns, fonts, images, etc. used here are available at the download section.

Do you have any qualifications?
I am studying at the SAE technology institute to become a multimedia designer. This includes screen and interface design. I also have designed lots of UIs aswell as buttons, skins, themes and images for AmigaOS applications.

I don't like MUI!
Well, MUI might be slower than other GUI systems like ClassAct, BGUI or Reaction, but lot's of important applications make use of it and it is the most advanced in features and options. So, if you like it or not, it is a very important GUI system.

Why did you write this tutorial?
Because I saw too many terrible screenshots of MUI systems by Amiga users, who seem to be completely lost when it comes to UI design. Lots of people asked me, how I managed to achieve this kind of MUI look - that's why I thought I share my 'secrets' with you by writing this short tutorial. Again - tastes are different and you may have much better ideas regarding design - still I believe, that this tutorial might give you an idea on how to create your own stylish MUI-look. :)

Note:In this tutorial I assume you have a resolution of 1024x768 and 16/24Bit. If you have a lower or higher resultion you might have to adjust fonts, patterns, etc. to meet your expectations. The screenshots contain german language as this is my native language. If you would like to translate this tutorial to german just write me.

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